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Although the three photos I made are seemingly about different issues they all involve a social change where the people decide it’s time to make a change. Unlike any scientific developments that will come in the future I believe all three of these things are possible right now if only the people as a whole gain more social consciousness and change the world. These are world peace, political awareness, and demand for a more clean environment.

The one representing peace is of Syrian Militia members with flowers in their guns and a world peace banner in hanging in the background. The one representing political awareness is of a cheering crowd in front of President Obama with a business man on the side behind a pile of money, he is covering his face because he realize his inability to influence the President with all the money. The one representing a clean environment is of coal factories emitting flower petals and giving the sky a silver lining in, what it feels like, a overwhelming amount of pollution. Out of all of these images the one that is the most symbolic is of the flower petals emitting out of the coal factory which is also the issue that I  care about the most.