Arcane TMJ
The concept for this design was created by the project collaborator Floral Yu. The subject has a very damaged jaw that needs to be replaced. They also live in an area with poor air quality, so they have a filter on their nose. Additionally, for aesthetic reasons the subject has two glowing tubes connecting the nose to the jaw.
The jaw and nose were cast and processed by Floral Yu, the electronics in straps and 3D printed bolts designed by Nicholas Barry, and the nose tubes are cut pieces of 3/8 in. inner diameter 1/2 in. outer diameter silicone tubes.
Seen below are the process used to design the glasses bolts, starting with a base design taken from Thingiverse (, an image from MakerBot print showcasing 3d print settings, and a video explaining.
Before printing this design, I printed the original bolt to see how well the threads worked and found out that I needed to increase the size of the bolts by 1% to allow for proper threading. With this information, I was able to produce a functional print. It was still difficult to screw the bolts on, but everything worked.
When making the LED strips for the nose I decided on using 8 LEDs in a row per tube, resulting in a spacing of 1 LED per half an inch. Since I was using blue LEDs, which have a voltage drop of around 3 volts, I needed 24v of battery power, which pushed me to use A21/23 batteries; two in series, 12v each. As the switch I am using was rated for 12v it was placed between the batteries, which differ by 12v between the terminals. After laying everything out on a breadboard to prove that my calculations were correct. I went on to soldering to produce the product seen below.
In the end Floral Yu used my component to produce the sculpture seen below:
Page by: Nicholas Barry