
Are you interested in pursuing a degree in environmental aqueous geochemistry, related microbiology, or astrobiology-related research? The Price lab often has numerous opportunities for high school, undergraduate and graduate students interested in a M.Sci. or Ph.D. degree. Please contact Dr. Price for more information.

High School Undergraduate Opportunities:
There’s a lot of work to be done, and we need help! Increase your research experience, and improve your CV by volunteering in the Price laboratory. Currently we are looking for assistance with cultivation of arsenic-loving microbes, organic-mineral relationships, and aqueous geochemistry.

Graduate Student Opportunities:
Just funded! NASA Habitable Worlds Program grant “HabMars: Habitability estimates for heterotrophic metabolisms on Noachian Mars“. This NASA project funds one full Ph.D and one M.Sci. degree at Stony Brook University, either through the Geosciences department or the School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences, and at least one trip to Iceland! The deadline for full consideration is Jan. 15th for the SoMAS, and Jan 15th for Geosciences. Please let me know asap if you are interested. Here is a summary of the project!