- [BDL+99a]

- P. Bunyk, M. Dorojevets, K. Likharev,
P. Litskevitch, S. Polonsky, G. Sazaklis,
L. Wittie, D. Zinoviev, Y. Kameda, and
S. Yorozu.
RSFQ subsystem for petaflops-scale computing: “COOL-0”.
In Proc. 3rd Petaflop Workshop, pages
3–9, Annapolis, MD,
February 1999.
- [BDL+99b]

- P. Bunyk, M. Dorojevets, K. Likharev,
P. Litskevitch, L. Wittie, and D. Zinoviev.
RSFQ subsystem for petaflops-scale computing: Cool-0.
In 7th Int’l Supercond. Electronics Conf. Extended
pages 42–44, Berkeley, CA, June 1999.
- [BL99]
- P. Bunyk and P. Litskevitch.
Case study in RSFQ design: Fast pipelined 32-bit adder.
IEEE Trans. on Appl. Supercond., pages 3714–3720,
June 1999.
- [BLL+99]

- P. Bunyk, K. Likharev, P. Litskevitch,
A. Rylyakov, and D. Zinoviev.
RSFQ cell library. (Warning! This is a HUGE file!)
Technical Report 15, SUNY at Stony Brook, RSFQ System Group,
May 1999.
- [CPRL99]

- W. Chen, V. Patel, A. Rylyakov, and
K. Likharev.
Rapid single-flux-quantum T flip-flop operating at 770 GHz.
IEEE Trans. on Appl. Supercond., pages 3212–3215,
June 1999.
- [DBZL99a]

- M. Dorojevets, P. Bunyk,
D. Zinoviev, and K. Likharev.
“COOL-0”: Design of an RSFQ subsystem for petaflops
IEEE Trans. on Appl. Supercond., 9(2):3606–3614,
June 1999.
- [DBZL99b]

- M. Dorojevets, P. Bunyk,
D. Zinoviev, and K. Likharev.
RSFQ computing: the quest for petaflops.
In S. Luryi, J. Xu, and A. Zaslavsky, editors,
Future Trends in Microelectronics. The Road Ahead.,
pages 193–206. A Wiley-Interscience Publication, 1999.
- [DBZL99c]

- M. Dorojevets, P. Bunyk,
D. Zinoviev, and K. Likharev.
Superconductor Electronic Devices for Petaflops Computing.
To be published in FED Journal, 1999.
- [DDP+99]
- E. Dean,
P. Dresselhaus, J. Przybysz, A. Miklich,
A. Hodge Worsham, and S. Polonsky.
Bit Error Rate Measurements for GHz Code Generator Circuits.
IEEE Trans. on Appl. Supercond., pages 3598–3601,
June 1999.
- [DDW+99]
- P. Dresselhaus,
E. Dean, A. Hodge Worsham, J. Przybysz, and
S. Polonsky.
Modulation and Demodulation of 2 GHz Pseudo Random Binary
Sequence Using SFQ Digital Circuits.
IEEE Trans. on Appl. Supercond., pages 3585–3589,
June 1999.
- [Dor99]

- M. Dorojevets.
The COOL-I ISA handbook: Version 1.00.
Technical Report 11, SUNY at Stony Brook, RSFQ System Group,
January 1999.
- [KPMN99]
- Y. Kameda, S. Polonsky, M. Maezawa, and
T. Nanya.
Self-timed parallel adder based on DI RSFQ primitives.
IEEE Trans. on Appl. Supercond., pages 4040–4045,
June 1999.
- [LDBZ99]

- K. Likharev, M. Dorojevets, P. Bunyk,
and D. Zinoviev.
COOL-1: the next step in RSFQ computer design.
Submitted to Physica B, June 1999.
- [Lik99]

- K. Likharev.
Superconductor Devices for Ultrafast Computing.
In H. Weinstock, ed., Applications of
Superconductivity. Kluwer, Dordrecht, 1999.
- [Lik99b]

- K. Likharev.
Rapid Single Flux Quantum (RSFQ) Logic.
In Encyclopedia of Materials: Science and
Technology. To be published by Elsevier Science Ltd.
- [Lit99]

- P. Litskevitch.
Case Study in RSFQ Design: IEEE 754 Compliant Floating Point
Technical Report 16, SUNY at Stony Brook, RSFQ System Group,
July 1999.
- [Pog99]

- Y. Pogudin.
The SPELL Cross-Programming System. Language Interface.
Technical Report 13, SUNY at Stony Brook, RSFQ System Group,
January 1999.
- [Pol99]
- S. Polonsky.
Delay Insensitive RSFQ Circuits with Zero Static Power
IEEE Trans. on Appl. Supercond., pages 3016–3019,
June 1999.
- [RBG+99]
- S. Rylov, D. Brock, D. Gaidarenko,
A. Kirichenko, J. Vogt, and V. Semenov.
High Resolution ADC Using Phase Modulation – Demodulation
IEEE Trans. on Appl. Supercond., pages 3016–3019,
June 1999.
- [RL99]

- A. Rylyakov and K. Likharev.
Pulse jitter and timing errors in RSFQ circuits.
IEEE Trans. on Appl. Supercond., pages 3539–3544,
June 1999.
- [RSP99]

- A. Rylyakov,
D. Schneider, and Y. Polyakov.
A Fully Integrated 16-channel RSFQ Autocorrelator Operating at
11 GHz.
IEEE Trans. on Appl. Supercond., pages 3623–3627,
June 1999.
- [SKH+99]
- H. Sasaki, S. Kiryu, F. Hirayama,
T. Kikuchi, M. Maezawa, A. Shoji, and S. Polonsky.
RSFQ-based D/A converter for ac voltage standard.
IEEE Trans. on Appl. Supercond., pages 3561–3564,
June 1999.
- [SPC99]
- V. Semenov, Y. Polyakov,
and W. Chao.
Extraction of Impact of Fabrication Spread and Thermal Noise on
Operation of Superconducting Digital Circuits.
IEEE Trans. on Appl. Supercond., pages 4030–4033,
June 1999.
- [SPF99]
- V. Semenov, Y. Polyakov,
and T. Filippov.
Superconducting Delta ADC with On-Chip Decimation Filter.
IEEE Trans. on Appl. Supercond., pages 3026–3029,
June 1999.
- [WSL99]

- E. Wikborg, V. Semenov,
and K. Likharev.
RSFQ Front-end for a Software Radio Receiver.
IEEE Trans. on Appl. Supercond., pages 3615–3618,
June 1999.
- [WZSL99]

- L. Wittie, D. Zinoviev, G. Sazaklis,
and K. Likharev.
Design of an RSFQ switching network for petaflops-scale
IEEE Trans. on Appl. Supercond., 9(2):4034–4039,
June 1999.
- [YZ99]

- S. Yorozu and D. Zinoviev.
Design and implementation of an RSFQ switching node for
petaflops networks.
IEEE Trans. on Appl. Supercond., 9(2):3557–3560,
June 1999.
- [YZT99]
- S. Yorozu, D. Zinoviev, and S. Tahara.
An asynchronous SFQ-pulse arbiter for high performance digital
In 7th Int’l Supercond. Electronics Conf. Extended
Abstracts, pages 118–120, Berkeley, CA, June 1999.
- [Zin99]

- D. Zinoviev.
Design of an RSFQ banyan switching node for petaflops
In 7th Int’l Supercond. Electronics Conf. Extended
Abstracts, pages 326–328, Berkeley, CA, June 1999.
- [ZM99]

- D. Zinoviev and M. Maezawa.
Application of credit-based flow control to RSFQ
IEEE Trans. on Appl. Supercond., 9(2):3165–3168,
June 1999.
- [ZW99]

- D. Zinoviev and L. Wittie.
Ultra-fast low-latent superconductor packet switching networks
for petaflops computing.
In M. Haney, R. Kostuk, C. Lund, and
E. Schenfeld, editors, 6th Int’l Conf. on Parallel
Interconnects, pages 65–72, Anchorage, AK, October
1999. IEEE Computer Society.
1998 |
- [BL98]

- P. Bunyk and P. Litskevitch.
Case Study in RSFQ Design: Fast Pipelined Added for Petaflops
Technical Report 05, SUNY at Stony Brook, RSFQ System
Group, July 1998.
- [CRL98]
- W. Chen, A. Rylyakov, and J. Lukens.
750 GHz RSFQ T flip flop.
Submitted to the Device Research Conference, June 1998.
- [DBZL98]

- M. Dorojevets, P. Bunyk,
D. Zinoviev, and K. Likharev.
Superconductor multithreaded subsystem for petaflops scale
Accepted to ISSCC’98, in press, September 1998.
- [Dor98]

- M. Dorojevets.
The COOL ISA handbook.
Technical Report 04, SUNY at Stony Brook, RSFQ System Group,
July 1998.
- [Pol98]

- S. Polonsky.
Performance Analysis of 64-bit Carry-Look-Ahead Adder based on
Data-Driven Dual-Rail Boolean Gates.
Technical Report 06, SUNY at Stony Brook, RSFQ System Group,
September 1998.
- [RP98]
- A. Rylyakov and S. Polonsky.
All-digital 1-bit RSFQ autocorrelator for radioastronomy
applications: Design and experimental results.
IEEE Trans. on Appl. Supercond., 8(1):14–19, March
- [WSZZ98]
- L. Wittie, G. Sazaklis, Y. Zhou, and
D. Zinoviev.
High throughput networks for petaflops computing.
In Proc. 17th IEEE Symp. on Reliable Distributed Systems
(SRDS’98), pages 312–317, West Lafayette, IN, October
- [Zin98a]

- D. Zinoviev.
Bidirectional transmission of single flux quanta.
Applied Superconductivity, 4/12:599–602, January
- [Zin98b]

- D. Zinoviev.
Design issues in ultra-fast ultra-low-power superconductor
batcher-banyan switching fabric based on RSFQ logic/memory
Applied Superconductivity, 5(7–12):235–239, August
- [ZM98]

- D. Zinoviev and
M. Maezawa.
Application of Credit-Based Flow Control to RSFQ
Technical Report 09, SUNY at Stony Brook, RSFQ System Group,
October 1998.
- [ZSW+98]

- D. Zinoviev, G. Sazaklis, L. Wittie,
S. Yorozu, and K. Likharev.
CNET: RSFQ switching network for petaflops computing.
Technical Report 08, SUNY at Stony Brook, RSFQ System Group,
October 1998.
1997 |
- [BDLZ97]

- P. Bunyk, M. Dorojevets, K. Likharev,
and D. Zinoviev.
RSFQ subsystem for HTMT petaflops computing.
Technical Report 03, SUNY at Stony Brook, RSFQ System Group,
December 1997.
- [BKSL97]
- P. Bunyk, A. Yu. Kidiyarova-Shevchenko,
and P. Litskevitch.
RSFQ microprocessor: New design approaches.
IEEE Trans. on Appl. Supercond., 7(2):2697–2704,
June 1997.
- [BL97]
- P. Bunyk and P. Litskevitch.
All-RSFQ self-reset 4×16 decoder for an RSFQ microprocessor:
Design and experimental verification.
In 6th Int’l Supercond. Electronics Conf. Extended
Abstracts, pages 350–352, Berlin, Germany, June
- [Lik97]
- K. Likharev.
Superconductors speed up computations.
Phys. World, 10:39–43, May 1997.
- [Pol97]
- S. Polonsky.
Recent developments and prospects of RSFQ.
In 6th Int’l Supercond. Electronics Conf. Extended
Abstracts, pages 125–127, Berlin, Germany, June
- [PS97]
- S. Polonsky and D. Schneider.
Towards broadband communications between RSFQ chips.
IEEE Trans. on Appl. Supercond., 7(2):2818–2821,
June 1997.
- [PSK+97]
- S. Polonsky, P. Shevchenko,
A. Kirichenko, D. Zinoviev, and A. Rylyakov.
PSCAN 96: Software for simulation and optimization of complex
RSFQ circuits.
IEEE Trans. on Appl. Supercond., 7(2):2685–2689,
June 1997.
- [RP97]
- A. Rylyakov and S. Polonsky.
New design of single-bit all-digital RSFQ autocorrelator.
IEEE Trans. on Appl. Supercond., 7(2):2709–2712,
June 1997.
- [Ryl97]
- A. Rylyakov.
Ultra-low-power RSFQ Devices and Digital Autocorrelation of
Broadband Signals.
PhD thesis, State University of New York at Stony Brook, 1997.
- [SP97]
- V.K. Semenov and Yu.A. Polyakov.
Fully integrated digital SQUID.
In 6th Int’l Supercond. Electronics Conf. Extended
Abstracts, pages 329–331, Berlin, Germany, June
- [SPR97]
- V.K. Semenov, Yu.A. Polyakov, and
A. Ryzhikh.
Decimation filters based on RSFQ logic/memory cells.
In 6th Int’l Supercond. Electronics Conf. Extended
Abstracts, pages 344–346, Berlin, Germany, June
- [SPS97]
- V.K. Semenov, Yu.A. Polyakov, and
D. Schneider.
Implementation of oversampling analog-to-digital converter
based on RSFQ logic.
In 6th Int’l Supercond. Electronics Conf. Extended
Abstracts, pages 41–43, Berlin, Germany, June
- [SSP97]
- V.K. Semenov, P.N. Shevchenko, and Yu.A.
Digital-to-analog converter based on processing of SFQ
In 6th Int’l Supercond. Electronics Conf. Extended
Abstracts, pages 320–322, Berlin, Germany, June
- [SUN97a]
- SUNY RSFQ Group.
Document netdoc1, June 1997.
- [SUN97b]

- SUNY RSFQ Group.
SCOPE: SuperCOnductor Processing Element for Petaflops-scale
Computing. June 1997.
- [Zin97]
- D. Zinoviev.
Design and Partial Implementation of RSFQ-based
Batcher-Banyan Switch and Support Tools.
PhD thesis, State University of New York at Stony Brook, August
- [ZL97a]

- D. Zinoviev and K. Likharev.
Design issues in ultra-fast ultra-low-power superconductor
batcher-banyan switching fabric based on RSFQ logic/memory
In 6th Int’l Supercond. Electronics Conf. Extended
Abstracts, pages 341–343, Berlin, Germany, June
- [ZL97b]

- D. Zinoviev and K. Likharev.
Feasibility study of RSFQ-based self-routing nonblocking
digital switches.
IEEE Trans. on Appl. Supercond., 7(2):3155–3163,
June 1997.
- [ZP97]

- D. Zinoviev and Y. Polyakov.
Octopux: an advanced automated setup for testing superconductor
IEEE Trans. on Appl. Supercond., 7(2):3240–3243,
June 1997.
1996 |
- [GLMS96]
- G. Gao, K. K. Likharev, P. C. Messina, and
T. L. Sterling.
Hybrid technology multithreaded architecture.
In Proc. Frontiers`96, pages 98–105, Annapolis, MD,
February 1996.
- [Lik96]
- K. Likharev.
Ultrafast superconductor digital electronics: RSFQ technology
Czech. J. Phys., 46:3331–8, December 1996.
- [Zin96]

- D. Zinoviev.
High-speed rapid single flux quantum (RSFQ) batcher-banyan
switching core.
In W.S. Lai, S.T. Jewell, C.A. Siller, I. Widjaja, and
D. Karvelas, editors, Broadband Access Systems,
Proc. SPIE 2917, pages 380–386, Boston, USA, November
1996. SPIE.
1995 |
- [BS95]
- P. Bunyk and V.K. Semenov.
Design of an RSFQ microprocessor.
IEEE Trans. on Appl. Supercond., 5(2):3325–3328,
June 1995.
- [BSO+95]
- P. Bunyk, V. Semenov, A. Oliva,
M. Bhushan, K. Likharev, and J. Lukens.
High-speed single-flux quantum circuit using planarized niobium
trilayer Josephson junction technology.
Appl. Phys. Lett., 66:646–648, January 1995.
- [FSL95]
- T. Filippov, V. Semenov, and
K. Likharev.
Signal resolution of SFQ comparators.
IEEE Trans. on Appl. Supercond., 5(2):2240–2243,
June 1995.
- [KSKN95]
- A.F. Kirichenko, V.K. Semenov, Y.K.
Kwong, and V. Nandakumar.
4-bit rapid single-flux-quantum decoder.
IEEE Trans. on Appl. Supercond., 5(2):2857–2860,
June 1995.
- [KSZ95]

- A. Kidiyarova-Shevchenko and
D. Zinoviev.
RSFQ pseudo random generator and its possible applications.
IEEE Trans. on Appl. Supercond., 5(2):2820–2822,
June 1995.
- [LS95]
- J.-C. Lin and V. Semenov.
Timing circuits for RSFQ digital systems.
IEEE Trans. on Appl. Supercond., 5(3):3472–3477,
September 1995.
- [LSL95]
- J.-C. Lin, V. Semenov, and K. Likharev.
Design of SFQ-counting analog-to-digital converter.
IEEE Trans. on Appl. Supercond., 5(2):2252–2259,
June 1995.
- [PKSL95]
- S.V. Polonsky, A.F. Kirichenko, V.K.
Semenov, and K.K. Likharev.
Rapid single flux quantum random access memory.
IEEE Trans. on Appl. Supercond., 5(2):3000–3005,
June 1995.
- [PLR95]
- S. Polonsky, J.-C. Lin, and
A. Rylyakov.
RSFQ arithmetic blocks for DSP applications.
IEEE Trans. on Appl. Supercond., 5(2):2823–2826,
June 1995.
- [SLPS95]
- D. Schneider, J.-C. Lin, S. Polonsky,
and V. Semenov.
Broadband interfacing of superconducting digital systems to
room temperature electronics.
IEEE Trans. on Appl. Supercond., 5(2):3152–3155,
June 1995.
- [Zin95]

- D. Zinoviev.
Rapid single flux quantum fast-packet switching element.
In K. Annamalai, K. Bala, C.B.S. Traw, and
R.P. Bianchini, Jr., editors, Emerging High-Speed Local-Area
Networks and Wide-Area Networks, Proc. SPIE 2608, pages
190–196, Philadelphia, USA, October 1995. SPIE.
- [ZM95]

- D. Zinoviev and O. Mukhanov.
Novel tri-stable elements for binary RSFQ circuitry.
IEEE Trans. on Appl. Supercond., 5(2):2984–2987,
June 1995.
1994 |
- [KSKZ94]
- A. Kidiyarova-Shevchenko,
M. Khabipov, and D. Zinoviev.
Rapid single flux quantum pseudo random generator and its
possible applications.
Cryogenics, 34:887–890, June 1994.
- [PSK94]
- S. Polonsky, V. Semenov, and
A. Kirichenko.
Single flux, quantum B flip-flop and its possible
IEEE Trans. on Appl. Supercond., 4(1):9–18, March
1993 |
- [L+93]
- J.-C. Lin et al.
Development of a sensitive SFQ-counting A/D converter.
In 4th Int’l Supercond. Electronics Conf. Extended
Abstracts, pages 90–91, Boulder, Colorado, 1993. NIST.
- [LGS93]
- J.-C. Lin, M. Green, and V. Semenov.
Comb filter using pipelined RSFQ circuits.
In 4th Int’l Supercond. Electronics Conf. Extended
Abstracts, pages 92–93, Boulder, Colorado, 1993. NIST.
- [Lik93]
- K. Likharev.
Rapid single-flux-quantum logic.
In H. Weinstock and R. Ralston, editors, The New
Superconducting Electronics, pages 423–452. Kluwer,
Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 1993.
- [PSB+93]
- S. Polonsky, V. Semenov, P. Bunyk,
A. Kirichenko, et al.
New RSFQ circuits.
IEEE Trans. on Appl. Supercond., 3(1):2566–2577,
March 1993.
- [PSS93]
- S.V. Polonsky, V.K. Semenov, and D.F.
Transmission of single-flux-quantum pulses along
superconducting microstrip lines.
IEEE Trans. on Appl. Supercond., 3(1):2598–2600,
March 1993.
1992 |
1991 |
- [KMZ91]
- D. Kirichenko, O. Mukhanov, and
D. Zinoviev.
New elements of the RSFQ logic/memory family (part 1).
In 3rd Int’l Supercond. Electronics Conf. Extended
Abstracts, pages 196–199, Glasgow, UK, August
- [KSKPS91]
- A. Kidiyarova-Shevchenko,
A. Kiritchenko, S. Polonsky, and P. Shevchenko.
New elements of the RSFQ logic/memory family (part 2).
In 3rd Int’l Supercond. Electronics Conf. Extended
Abstracts, pages 200–203, Glasgow, UK, August
- [LS91]
- K. Likharev and V. Semenov.
RSFQ logic/memory family: a new Josephson junction technology
for sub-teraherz clock frequency digital systems.
IEEE Trans. on Appl. Supercond., 1(1):3–28, March
- [MPS91]
- O. Mukhanov, S. Polonsky, and
V. Semenov.
New elements of the RSFQ logic.
IEEE Trans. Magn., 27:2435–2438, March 1991.
- [PSS91]
- S. Polonsky, V. Semenov, and
P. Shevchenko.
PSCAN: Personal superconductor circuit analyzer.
Supercond. Sci. Technol., 4:667–670, 1991.