Title : “The light and the shadow in Winter”
Abstract description: I’m planning to work with photographs about the atmosphere in winter time, Since people started the preparation of Christmas. I prefer to go through the light and shadow of the environment during the winter period. I’m planning to do more landscape on both indoor and outdoor.Combine with natural and social preferences. Subjects prefer to natural and cultural. Formats are more documenting.
I’m planning to use some items and through the kind of strong construct to make the shadow effect of the photo. Taking the decorating light or natural light as the main point of the photo during outside environment. I want to through photo the light and the shadow to appear the atmosphere during winter time.Christmas is a part of culture, but some decorations are from part of nature. I want to combine both nature and culture stuff to appear both the natural environment and holiday atmosphere. The winter time is a period which combine the natural environment change and holiday events.I want to use a little bit abstract form to show the atmosphere. So I choose the light and shadow as the main body of the final work. The change of light and shadow cna make the photograph express stuff in different ways.
- light and shadow
- winter life
- Christmas decoration
Methods: strong Contrast; photoshop use ; some angle
Artist: Vivian Dorothy Maier (February 1, 1926 – April 21, 2009) was an American street photographer. Maier worked for about forty years as a nanny, mostly in Chicago’s North Shore, pursuing photography during her spare time. She took more than 150,000 photographs during her lifetime, primarily of the people and architecture of Chicago, New York City, and Los Angeles, although she also traveled and photographed worldwide.
Maier’s best-known photographs depict street scenes in Chicago and New York during the 1950s and 1960s.A critic in The Independent wrote that “the well-to-do shoppers of Chicago stroll and gossip in all their department-store finery before Maier, but the most arresting subjects are those people on the margins of successful, rich America in the 1950s and 1960s: the kids, the black maids, the bums flaked out on shop stoops.” Most of Maier’s photographs are black and white, and many are casual shots of passers-by caught in transient moments “that nonetheless possess an underlying gravity and emotion”.
Rupert Vanderwell : Born and based in London, his photographic style is highly representative of his personality. He has always been obsessed with clean lines and geometrical appearance of things.
He finds beauty not necessarily in the subject itself but in the patterns of shadow and light that surround it. His work explores our relationship with the world and how we interact with our environment
Roman Loranc : Roman Loranc was born near Bielsko-Biala and lived in Poland during the communist era. When he was 26 he immigrated to Madison, Wisconsin. Very soon afterwards, he moved to Modesto, California, and he now resides in Northern California. He began his journey as an artist in the 1960s when his godparents gave him a 35mm format Druch camera for his first communion. The camera broke not long afterwards, but from that moment on, Roman felt incredibly drawn to photography; because it gave him, as he describes “the ability to slice a moment out of time and hold it as a print in my hands”. Also, in his words, he “soon came to feel a consuming fascination with the chemical photographic process that, after exposure to light and immersion in developer, allows grains of silver to form first on the negative and then again on a final print.”
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