
Hi Everyone!

We are Vassili Boletsis, Joshua Day, Luca Hemsen, Aniqah Nashiat and Simon Beeckmans and here is our website/multimedia project:

Comparing the Russo-Georgian and Russo-Ukrainian Conflicts: Has History Repeated Itself?

In this project, we will explore the Russo-Georgian conflict of 2008 and analyze the parallels between this conflict and the Russo-Ukrainian conflict that continues to ensue.  The actors at play are the overbearing hegemonic powers — Russia and the United States — and the country of Georgia.  The project will prioritize the historical context and background of the conflict as much as it seeks to reveal the devastating effects of the invasion, which occurred over the course of 12 days.  This involves discussing the tensions and cleavages in the complex relationship between Russia and Georgia, as well as what role the NATO and EU expansion played.  We seek to expose the true intentions of these actors, and in doing so we will ask ourselves: What are Vladimir Putin’s intentions in acting so brutally? Why is the U.S. so keen on making a western bulwark out of these eastern European countries in the Russian orbit? What does the future hold for nations such as Georgia and Ukraine? And finally, what did and did not learn from these interventions?

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