Ukraine and Georgia: The Parallels

Russia’s role: Political objectives  

  • Driven by political objectives rather than material security  
  • 2007 Munich Security Conference:
    • Putin insisted on the urgent need to counter NATO’s further eastward expansion  to protect his political objectives 

Russia’s Role: Regime Survival 

Before Putin’s invasion, both countries had significant economic  development and  democratic  contagion -> Putin’s fear of regime survival 

Does Ukraine and Georgia have the potential now to survive without a Russian alliance system? 


Georgia’s economic growth averaged 10.5% per year between 2005 and 2007 (right)

In 2021, right  before the Ukraine invasion, Ukrainian GDP expanded 5.9% at the end of  the year (right)


America’s Role: The same for Ukraine and Georgia 

  • The US ignoring warnings from Russia and Western policy experts  
    • George W. Bush  + Georgia and Ukraine = potential valued US political and military allies 
    • Bush urged  NATO in 2008 to admit Ukraine and Georgia -> Further NATO expansion beyond the already admitted European countries would pose a threat to  Russian national interest
  • French and German wariness delayed Ukraine and Georgian admittance  -> the Nato  summit affirmed that both countries would eventually achieve that status …  

America’s Role: Similar Patterns?

  • However, since the 2008 NATO summit in Bucharest, neither Georgia nor Ukraine  succeeded in securing a  NATO Membership Action Plan (MAP) -> Unlikely for them to  join in the foreseeable future  … -> Putin invades

Overall similarities: