Story behind the photo: I took this photo in my grandmother’s backyard. She has this one cherry blosson tree that blooms every year. I decided to photogragh it because I like to take pictures of flowers. Then when I went to edit in in photoshop I decided to make the image black and white but keep one flower in color. I like this image becasue the color contrast really captures your eye and the black and white almost looks like the rest of the flowers. are dying while this one flower is flourishing.
Story behind the photo: I’ve used this image in a previous task but I wanted to edit it in a different want. Make it something different instead of just making it look pretty. This flower on the 9/11 memorial. On this particular day it rain and the skies were very gloomy. I decided to do this edit where it looks like a currupted file and I wanted to convey soomething along the lines of currupted innocents. First responders who are heros of our city risked their lives becasue there are currupted people in the world that want to causee harm to others which unfortunately first responders are the one that feels the effects.
Story behind the photo: I took this photo in Exeter, New Hampshire. Its a small flowing river or lake surrounded by big trees. When the image is in plain color there is nothing speciala bout the image. But I decided to make it black and white and I don’t know why but something about it being black and white makes it more mysterious and even looks more abstarct. Like when I showed people this image, at first they couldn’t tell what they were seeing but when I showed them the picture in color they all told me they perferred it in black and white so I kept it this way.