Michelle McDonald
Interchanging Time and Color: The Simulation Takeover
18” x 24” ; 24” x 24”
Oil on Canvas


The Universe is meant to represent existence as a whole, and to connect us to that inherent feeling that we are part of a bigger whole. Whereas, Simulation: Take Over depicts the false, filtered reality we’ve been living in. The universe is an infinite interweb of energy in nothingness; comparably, a simulation possesses the same type of characteristics. Simulation: Take Over consists of a city street view, with a sky-scraper and imaginary city streets; this intends to show how we already have a layer of simulation in our reality that we have placed into the world ourselves, and you can see it with your very own eyes. This comes to the idea of theme parks existing so our simulated lives feel more realistic and less inadequate, a distraction from one simulation to another; theme parks are what would be considered as the ultimate simulation. If you’re able to experience this ultimate simulation from time to time, it makes dealing with your less hyper-stimulated life back home a little more worthwhile. Simulation: Take Over is meant to depict what we see as natural in our reality translated into the simulation code, and taking over The Universe and all who inhabit it. The simulation is so deeply ingrained into our lives that we don’t even know what’s real anymore; Interchanging Time & Color: The Simulation exhibits the taking over of the natural world with a simulated way of life.