Nicole Lundahl
Sleepless Stars
20” x 24”
Oil on Canvas


Looking out to the stars, watching them twinkle and move, and letting your mind make shapes out of these tiny little dots, it’s never the same night to night. Every night the same stars are in the sky, they burn for ages, and even when they die we don’t know for millions of years because of how long it takes for the light to travel to where we can perceive it. When the stars are out, somewhere you will be able to find a constellation. However, throughout the night the stars don’t stay in the same place in the sky, as the Earth rotates around its axis the stars’ position in our sky changes, making them seem constantly in motion. On the nights I can not sleep, I will just go outside, sit, and stare, watching as the stars move, trying to find constellations before they disappear below the horizon. No matter what the reason I cannot sleep, just sitting down and staring at the stars is enough to take my mind away, leaving me to ponder the sheer size of the universe and what fills the dark space between the stars