Haiyu Rao

video Info
  • In The Room

    In 2020, we have all been stuck at home to combat this Covid-19 Virus. As an artist who loves to take photographs, the lockdown made it especially difficult for my creative process. Without the opportunities to go outside and photograph things, I began to take lesser photos and consequently not taking any pictures for months. I began to think about what I could photograph, and it was not easy. Being an artist stuck at home, I did take photos of the objects around my house. After thinking about our time being stuck in our home, I decided to take pictures of other people’s rooms. A person’s place tells you a lot about their personalities and their interests. I’ve noticed that people are most comfortable around the things they love and have improved their home since the lockdown.

    I have used the technique of Panoramic as a part of my creative process. It captures elongated horizontal portions of the environment and enables the audience to learn more about the photographed environment. This panorama view shows you everything the person owns, what their daily life looks like, and their vulnerabilities. I have always been capturing photos close to the subject; it creates a lot of space without any information. It was moody, but the ambiguity left the viewer to speculate.

    In contrast, the Panorama compresses this three-dimensional space into a two-dimensional plane, and every object is sharply in focus. Consequently, there isn’t a single focal point, and every item has the same importance. In this series, I don’t intend to focus on a single aspect of the individual. But I am representing the features of the person as a whole as the room.

    After all, I choose to take this Panorama is to tell a story about the individual from a different perspective. It is not a conventional portrait that tells you what’s going on by the photographer’s choice to limit the things being photographed. This series of photos free up the photographer’s constraints and lets the viewer evaluate the information. The reason why I choose to do this series of pictures in Panorama is that I have been so used to taking portraits that are pleasing to the eyes and concepts that are easy to understand. This time I want the images to be more out of the box and more challenging. For the panorama photo, it requires more investigation and sympathy. You don’t see the protagonist being photographed, but you could try to understand him/her by feeling the room’s energy.


    Title: Rao’s Room, November 2020, Dimensions: 15881×2829 px, Medium: Digital Photography



    Title: Qiu’s Room, November 2020, Dimensions: 16831×4457 px, Medium: Digital Photography



    Title: Hao’s Room, November 2020, Dimensions: 15691×4160 px, Medium: Digital Photography



    Title: Hernandez’s Room, November 2020, Dimensions: 17051×3669 px, Medium: Digital Photography



    Title: Li’s Room, November 2020, Dimensions: 31197×3995 px, Medium: Digital Photography