Katey- Rose Redhead

video Info
  • Pandemic Stories

    The beginning of the lockdown in March 2020 was truly a test for myself and for many people that I know. The test was whether we would be swept away by the confusion and mayhem of the situation or stay strong and blaze forward by taking the proper precautions. Seeing how my loved ones and friends were handling the situation in their own personal lives was very inspiring and encouraged me to do as much as I could to keep myself, as well as the people around me, safe. From the beginning of the lockdown to now, the stages of the pandemic have immensely reflected in the everyday lives of my family and friends. These stages are captured in my photographs as well as the various expressions of my subjects’ emotional and mental state of mind.

              The photographs combine focusing on the ever-changing facial expressions of the subjects and dramatic lighting to further accentuate their narrative quality. These editing choices provide a way for the observer to feel pulled into the stories of the people represented in the photographs, and perhaps have them reflect on how the pandemic may have affected their personal lives as well as their emotional and mental well-being.

    Title: Story of an Employee Reacting to their Coworker Coughing Without a Mask, Date: November 2020, Dimensions: 1376 x 1920px, Medium: Digital Photography


    Title: Story of a Student Facing the Challenge of their Online Courses, Date: October 2020, Dimensions: 1332 x 1920px, Medium: Digital Photography


    Title: Story of a Mother Protecting her Personal Space from Surrounding Shoppers, Date: November 2020, Dimensions: 1322 x 1920px, Medium: Digital Photography


    Title: Story of an Artist Working Within the Health Guidelines of their Studio, Date: November 2020, Dimensions: 1920 x 1482px,
    Medium: Digital Photography


    Title: Story of Two Sisters Providing each other with Support and Safety, Date: November 2020, Dimensions: 1440 x 1920px,
    Medium: Digital Photography