Mengya Li

video Info
  •  The life of flowers

    My inspiration came from the Covid-19; life seemed to be the most fragile one in natural disasters. When I couldn’t go out, I began to think about the meaning of life. I think of flowers; the meaning of flowers is that they set a deadline for themself so that you can cherish their brilliant moments more. From bud to bloom to final withering, I recorded their organic form and smooth texture. Let the balance of light and shadow and the transition of light tell the limited beauty of flowers, among all things on earth. Everything had its own life cycle. The lifespan of flowers was short, and people gave flowers a lot of meaning. Did people think about the meaning of their existence?

    I use my own vision and artistic quality to find beauty. Beauty exists in every corner of the world. It exists in this world all the time. I was interested in the ocean, the earth, the stars, the changing landforms, the people of all kinds, the animals and plants I didn’t know. With all things in the world, respect the power of nature. Explore and obey the mysterious inner world and record them. Know yourself, keep introspection, think deeply, find more interests, feelings and emotions, personal experience, what I have seen and heard, and my view of the world.



    The life of flowers01 Date: November 7499 × 3635/ RGB Media: Digital Photography


    The life of flowers02 Date: November 7499 × 3635/ RGB Media: Digital Photography


    The life of flowers03 Date: November 2020 7499 × 3635/ RGB Media: Digital Photography


    The life of flowers04 Date: November 2020 7499 × 3635/ RGB Media: Digital Photography


    The life of flowers05 Date: November 2020 7499 × 3635/ RGB Media: Digital Photography