ARS281 Project 5 Portraiture

ARS281 Project 5 Portraiture


For this project, I named my photos Visiting. For me, shoes and the house (specifically the room) are objects that play an important role in depicting someone. Shoes are something to be with me wherever I go, and the footprints I make leave my marks. And there is a unique atmosphere and warmth in the house that the shoes are headed for. Especially, my shoes used as a self-portrait are the first shoes I bought in America, so they are more special to me.

I thought these two objects represented not only me but also my housemates and guests who came to my home. There were moments when the shoes felt like a real person, and I tried to capture that moment with a picture. Each pair consists of real people’s angles and shoes’ angles. I tried to contrast the light and warmth that emanate from the house with the dark and cold atmosphere outside the house.


1. Self-portraits

f/3.5    1/15s   ISO3200


f/4    1/20s   ISO3200


2. Portraits of someone I know

f/4    1/20s   ISO3200


f/3.5    1/20s   ISO3200


3. Portraits of someone I do not know

f/3.5   1/20s   ISO3200


f/3.5   1/30s   ISO3200





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