ARS495 Project Proposal

ARS495 Project Proposal-21pa4mi


Just as fingerprints engraved on their hands are different, people live a different life. People’s hands are also different in appearance, and nobody has the same shape of hands. Someone’s hands are very weak and soft, while others are hard and rough. I want to focus on the hands of me and the people around me for this semester project.

There are a lot of wounds in my hands. These wounds are periodically caused by me. I have a bad habit of pulling the flesh around my nails, and this habit becomes frequent when I am stressed or irritated. So I always thought that my hands were ugly and I was reluctant to look at my hands. But otherwise, my hand is a medium that represents my mind and emotions. Just as my hand represents my mind when I am nervous, the hands of most people in the world are representing the lives they have lived. Their hands are filled with humor, anger, sadness, and happiness. I am going to put it with my camera.

I was inspired by Tim Booth’s A Show of Hands series. Tim Booth took pictures of the various hands of people with different jobs. I will focus more on myself and my surroundings. Also, I will use various colors rather than achromatic colors. Through this project, I want to feel the feelings of the hands which are calm but intense.




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