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ARS495 Specific Project Sections

ARS420 Independent Work Photography

Specific Project Sections

(Each part can be modified or deleted)

1. Shape of Hand

The hand changes into an awesome shape. In fact, our hands and fingers can show unimaginable movements. I will focus on its shape and form in this section. It will sometimes make you think of other things and draw people’s attention.


2. Hand and Flowers

Flowers placed next to your hands will have its role and meaning. In addition, hands placed next to flowers will have visually intense or pure images. Their interaction is very interesting. They also resemble each other. I want to focus on feelings that are felt when flowers and hands are together.

3. Moon Hand

It is a photo project using a ratio of light. Just as the moon changes its shape according to its cycle, I will use my hands and light to take a picture of the hand changing its shape like a moon.

4. Relationship

My hands and the hands of others have a very close relationship. It may be the moment when people meet or the moment they leave. In this section, I want to include what happens at the moment when one hand meets another.

5. Pattern

Just as each person has a different shape of hands, the pattern they have is also different. From simple patterns to geometric patterns, the patterns hands have are endless.

6. Hand Work

I share all my daily life with my hands when I sleep, when I eat, when I wash, when I design, when I paint, when I take pictures. This section will show you everyday life with me and your hands.

ARS495 Project Proposal

ARS495 Project Proposal-21pa4mi


Just as fingerprints engraved on their hands are different, people live a different life. People’s hands are also different in appearance, and nobody has the same shape of hands. Someone’s hands are very weak and soft, while others are hard and rough. I want to focus on the hands of me and the people around me for this semester project.

There are a lot of wounds in my hands. These wounds are periodically caused by me. I have a bad habit of pulling the flesh around my nails, and this habit becomes frequent when I am stressed or irritated. So I always thought that my hands were ugly and I was reluctant to look at my hands. But otherwise, my hand is a medium that represents my mind and emotions. Just as my hand represents my mind when I am nervous, the hands of most people in the world are representing the lives they have lived. Their hands are filled with humor, anger, sadness, and happiness. I am going to put it with my camera.

I was inspired by Tim Booth’s A Show of Hands series. Tim Booth took pictures of the various hands of people with different jobs. I will focus more on myself and my surroundings. Also, I will use various colors rather than achromatic colors. Through this project, I want to feel the feelings of the hands which are calm but intense.




ARS281 Self-Directed Final Project

ARS281 Self-Directed Final Project



The scenery is alive in the small glass bead in my hand.

All the scenery I see is remembered in this bead.

The enormous nature around me is made into a very small and beautiful landscape.

It sometimes illuminates my little hand.

Then I realize that my hands are part of nature.

This is my little earth.


When I stretch my arms and look into my earth, there is the landscape upside down.

My little earth turned over gives me another world.

I can see the world by hand.

Behind the fuzzy real world, my own world that I focus on becomes clear.

This is my earth.

My very little earth.




f/3.5   1/200s   ISO100

f/5.6   1/60s   ISO250

f/5.6   1/125s   ISO100

f/5.6   1/250s   ISO100

f/5.6   1/60s   ISO125

f/5.6   1/125s   ISO100

f/4   1/60s   ISO100

f/5.6   1/80s   ISO1600

f/5.6   1/80s   ISO160

f/5.6   1/100s   ISO100

f/5.6   1/60s   ISO500

f/5.6   1/60s   ISO320


<A list of references and influences>

Tara Mcgovern

photos using glass beads

ARS281 Project 5 Portraiture

ARS281 Project 5 Portraiture


For this project, I named my photos Visiting. For me, shoes and the house (specifically the room) are objects that play an important role in depicting someone. Shoes are something to be with me wherever I go, and the footprints I make leave my marks. And there is a unique atmosphere and warmth in the house that the shoes are headed for. Especially, my shoes used as a self-portrait are the first shoes I bought in America, so they are more special to me.

I thought these two objects represented not only me but also my housemates and guests who came to my home. There were moments when the shoes felt like a real person, and I tried to capture that moment with a picture. Each pair consists of real people’s angles and shoes’ angles. I tried to contrast the light and warmth that emanate from the house with the dark and cold atmosphere outside the house.


1. Self-portraits

f/3.5    1/15s   ISO3200


f/4    1/20s   ISO3200


2. Portraits of someone I know

f/4    1/20s   ISO3200


f/3.5    1/20s   ISO3200


3. Portraits of someone I do not know

f/3.5   1/20s   ISO3200


f/3.5   1/30s   ISO3200





Proposal for Project 6 Self-Defined Final Project

For my last project, I plan to extend the theme of landscape and still life photography. But instead of taking pictures in the same way, I will use a glass ball. When you take a landscape using a glass ball, the landscape in which it appears is turned upside down. I thought it was pretty fascinating and will take pictures that look different from previous projects.


Interesting Self-Portrait

Heidi Lender



I found pictures of Heidi Lender. Her self-portrait always has no head but always has legs and feet. I thought that legs, feet, and shoes are really important to show myself. So I really like this concept. In each image, she photographed in different clothes and in different places. I think it says that there are a lot of changes even in one person.  Her dog also appears in her photos, but the dog comes out entirely. This makes me feel that the dog can also be part of her.

ARS281 Project4 Narrative Storytelling Photography

ARS281 Project4

Narrative Storytelling Photography


1/160   f/4.0   ISO100

She was walking to my world.


1/50   f/4.5   ISO100

She admired my world.


1/80   f/5.6   ISO500

She knocked on the door,


1/80   f/5.0   ISO2000

I was looking at her.


1/30   f/4.0   ISO250

The door was firmly closed,


1/50   f/4.5   ISO1000

I had no reason to open it.


I took narrative pictures on the theme of ‘stranger’ in this project. This is my personal experience, and as an international student, I often feel like I do not belong anywhere. Based on this feeling, I want to tell the mind of the stranger.

I wanted to express the mind of the stranger who is about to enter a certain world, and the mind of another stranger already belonging to the world. But in the end they are the same person. I wish that my desire to belong to a certain world and on the other hand, to escape from the frustrating world can be conveyed through my photographs.

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