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- Both research aircraft and many CHACHA-ers
- ALAR and those working with it
- The CHACHA crew getting together for dinner
- Everyone getting together to discuss our data
- Taking up cross country skiing on a day off
- Nathaniel toughing out the cold
- Preparing ALAR instruments for takeoff
- Natasha getting the ion chromatograph ready to run samples
- Dr. Shepson walking through our setup with everyone
- Kris collecting a snow sample
- Andrea preparing the particle into liquid sampler for flight
- Dr. Lance removing a full rack of particle in liquid samples
- Daun checking on the King Air instruments
- Daun preparing the chemical ionization mass spectrometer for flight
- Dr. Peterson preparing the Heidelberg differential optical absorption spectroscopy instrument
- Aaron cleaning the ice off the sonic anenometers
- Aaron cleaning the ice off the higher sonic anenometers
- Brushing off the ice buildup
- Ice buildup on a sonic anenometer
- Ilisagvik College
- Stage for particle sampling at our surface station
- A lead viewed from ALAR
- ALAR in the snow
- The King Air in the sun
- A smoggy day near the oil fields
- Ice buildup on the tundra
- ALAR seen from the King Air
- The King Air seen from ALAR over the oil fields
- Clouds over an open lead
- The whale bone arch on the coastline
- Our planes resting up in the hangar
- A bowhead whale skull near Ilisagvik College
- The ground station for several Arctic projects
- King Air instruments after flying through arctic clouds – icy!
- King Air instruments for particle measurements
- King Air instruments for particle measurements
- Sunsets over Utqiagvik
- Interconnected facilities around the oil fields
- Ukpik Nest – our Arctic homebase
- Solar Halo out over the ice
- Polar bear out enjoying the weather
- Polar Bears investigating a drone
- Polar bear rolling in the snow
- Polar bears playing
- Polar bears just off the road is an event to see!
- Our arctic fox airport buddy
- Musk Ox seen from ALAR
- Caribou foraging out in the snow
- Caribou foraging out in the snow
- The metal palm trees out in the Arctic
- A benefit of Arctic field work – Aurora Borealis most nights!
- Everyone enjoying the sights
- Aurora over the town
- Aurora over Ilisagvik College
- Everyone enjoying the Aurora
- Everyone enjoying the Aurora
- A very different looking Arctic in August
- Sarah at the Whale Bone Arch in August
- The Arctic’s green in August
- The metal palm trees in August
- The Arctic coast in August – you can just make out the ice on the horizon!