Hello and thank you for stopping by!
My name is Shyam Sharma. I work as an Associate Professor (and Graduate Program Director) in the Program in Writing and Rhetoric at Stony Brook University (State University of New York). I teach, research, and write about Rhetoric and Composition (or Writing Studies) at Stony Brook University. I’ve taught (or am teaching) graduate courses for the Center for Communicating Science as well as my home program (the Program in Writing and Rhetoric) and a variety of undergraduate courses (including writing for the profession, advanced research and writing, and basic and intermediate college writing).
My primary area of specialty is “writing in the disciplines,” or the study/teaching of academic writing with an understand of how members of different fields define, conduct, learn, and teach writing. I am also interested in:
• Composition pedagogy and theory
• Multimodal composition and digital scholarship
• Rhetorical traditions and histories
• Multilingualism and language policy
• Research and programs for professional development of university students and faculty
For a brief, printable version of my CV, please click here .
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