Boyao Chai
Expression of Architecture, 2020, 18 x 24 inches, Acrylic on Canvas


I would like to try different styles of painting techniques to make the real architecture or landscape look funny and interesting. I think it is important to show people how you feel on an object rather than realistic. Sometimes when I see a painting I will think “it would be amazing if that building has been painted in this way.” There I made a series of paintings; each one has its own cultural features. I would put architecture into landscapes combined with elements which can directly show my sense on this architecture. These abstract paintings are created based on reality, such as Chinese style architecture: Forbidden City, Spanish style architecture: Antoni Gaudi’s work, and Turkey style architecture: house in Cappadocia region. The key point is to capture the characteristics of the building and use different techniques to abstract it. 
One of the painting is forbidden city in China. This time I want to do a bird’s-eye view composition of Forbidden City in the show. Chinese architectures are strongly restricted by the classes. I want to show the grand and solemnity feeling of the feature.