Guorui Li
Depression, 2020, 30 x 24 inches, Oil on Canvas


I visualized the subject of reflection of reality, depression cannot be specific. This bad feeling actually exists in everyone’s heart and is shrouded in darkness, such as nightmares, visions of hell, and falling. There are also influences from outside, for me, it comes from the pain caused by my family and all the negative emotions that I have produced. I have tried my best to express them all. For people with depression in other words, there will be a voice in their hearts saying, “save me”, but no one can hear this voice. This painting is my anxiety every night, the loss of confidence in life, and my out of control emotions. So I want to express them in this way, this series is also a counterattack and response to the gloomy world and life from my heart. Through this series, I want the audience to understand the inner world of depressed people. That they are deep in hell and need salvation.
The painting of the falling angel is the inner visualization of my pain. In the dark, I want to fly upward and touch the light, but my wings are entangled in thorns. The thorns are a manifestation of the bondage I feel from life, and from the pressure of parents.