Katey-Rose Redhead
Untitled #1, 2020, 12 x 16 inch, Acrylic paint on Canvas


The beginning of the lockdown, due to the pandemic which started in March 2020, produced a path of learning, growing, and adapting to a new style of life. The occasional pleasures of life such as eating at a nice restaurant or spending time with family and friends, seemed to me like a dream that I wished I had not woken from.  Fortunately, although I was now awake, I realized that my potential in certain activities was yet to be discovered. I realized that I could cook meals more frequently because eating out was no longer an option, and I could pick up a new skill even if the way I learned had to change with the current times. I began learning how to be more resourceful and even better, more capable. These feelings were poured into my triptych as well as my whole body of work, reflecting my practical experiences in lockdown while artistically manifesting my own reflection of reality.
Untitled #2, 2020, 16 x 20 inch, Acrylic paint on Canvas