Karin Colbourne
Confusion, 2020, 16 x 22 inches, Acrylic on Canvas


Over the past few months, specifically talking about this quarantine period, there has been a period of forcing yourself into isolation. As a person, I’m constantly in my head and because I am so introverted, isolation is nothing new to me. However, I haven’t been forced into isolation since my freshman year of college. This type of isolation was different for me, in that whilst being subjected to this forced silence, I was left to think about so many things I never really gave a second thought about before. These thoughts then caused confusion and worry. There’s this widespread panic, and it felt as if so much was going on, and yet in that moment nothing was happening at the same time. Because of this confusion, I often found myself looking at myself in the mirror and questioning if that’s what I truly looked like, because it wasn’t how I felt.
These pieces are a visual representation of all the confusion that I was carrying with me for the past few months as well as even now. These pieces are a reflection of what my reality has been recently.

Bafflement, 2020, 18 x 18 inches, Acrylic on Canvas

Puzzlement, 2020, 24 x 36 inches, Acrylic on Canvas