After trying regular font for my logotype, I find it is hard to convey my designed feeling of this web site, which is strong, smart, but not serious. I used several right triangles to define my logotype shape(first svg).
- Color: the color I use was the main background color I designed in the color palette. I am not going the add other colors because my logo is already a multi-color design
- Shape: the font of the word is not regular, which is very special and impressive. Also, sharp character means aggressive and fight for victory.
- Title: PT Serif Bold
- Headline: Robot Bold
- Body: Robot regular
Font chosen:
- PT Serif: The impression of this font is strong and confident, which is what I need in a strategy forum.
- Roboto: This is one of the most popular font. Because only the strategy introduction page needs a large part of the text. So it just needs a clear and user familiar font.