itn081222 (2)Sunday, December 21, the Stony Brook University community convened for a ceremony to confer bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees for Summer 2008 and Fall 2008/Winter 2009 graduates. The sports complex arena was filled with graduates’ friends and families who cheered as each student crossed the stage to receive their diploma from Stony Brook University President Shirley Strum Kenny or Provost Eric Kaler.

United States Senator for New York Charles Schumer was the keynote speaker. He congratulated graduates on their achievements and encouraged them to select a career they will be passionate about.

“SoMAS is very proud of our graduating students and we wish them the best of luck as they begin the next step in their careers,” said Dean David Conover.

M.S. in Marine and Atmospheric Sciences

Daniel Duval

Annual cycle and synoptic variability in the temperature control of Great South Bay, NY

Jennifier Goleski

The role of zooplankton grazing in the occurrence of harmful cyanobacterial blooms in Florida Bay

Margaret Homerding

Characterization of cuticular and haemolymph associated defense parameters in shell diseased lobsters

B.S. in Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences

Michelle Plust

B.A. in Environmental Studies

Benjamin Breiterman

Chun Lau

Michael Maloney

Amanda Salerno

Timothy Shearman

Morgen Streur

B.S. in Marine Sciences

Laurel Brenton

William Dolgin

Katie Festa

Stephen Smith

B.S. in Marine Vertebrate Biology

Annie Coccari

Karen Riberio


Minor in Environmental Studies

Tara Bono

Matthew Quinn

Minor in Marine Sciences

Stephanie Nickolas

Aleksey Zhuchkan