Allam, Bassem

Perrigault M., A. Tanguy and B. Allam. 2009. Indentification and quantification of differentially expressed genes in the hard clam, Mercenaria mercenaria, in response to quahog parasite unknown (QPX). BMC Genomics 10: 377. doi:10.1186/1471-2164-10-377

Pales Espinosa, E., M.  Perrigault, J.E. Ward, S.E. Shumway and B. Allam. 2009. Lectins associated with the feeding organs of the oyster Crassostrea virginica can mediate particle selection. Biological Bulletin 217(2): 130-141.

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Liu, Q., B. Allam and J.L. Collier. 2009. A quantitative real-time PCR assay for QPX (Thraustochytridae), a parasite of the hard clam (Mercenaria mercenaria). Applied and Environmental Microbiology 75(13): 4913-4918.

Ford, S.E., B. Allam and Z. Xu. 2009. Using PCR and bivalve “particle collectors” to investigate the environmental distribution of Haplosporidium nelsoni, the agent of MSX disease in eastern oysters. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms83(2): 159-168.

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Aller, Robert

Przeslawski, R., Q. Zhu and R. Aller, 2009, Effects of abiotic stressors on infaunal burrowing and associated sediment characteristics.  Marine Ecology Progress Series 392: 33-42.

Armstrong, Robert

Lee, C., R.A. Armstrong, J.K. Cochran, A. Engel, S.W. Fowler, M. Goutx, P. Masqué, J.C. Miquel, M. Peterson C. Tamburini and S. Wakeham. 2009. MedFlux: Investigations of particle flux in the Twilight Zone. Deep-Sea Research II56(18): 1363-1368.

Moriceau, B., M. Goutx, C. Guigue, C. Lee, R.A. Armstrong, M. Duflos, C. Tamburini, B. Charrière and O. Ragueneau. 2009. Si-C interactions during degradation of the diatom Skeletonema marinoi. Deep-Sea Research II 56(18): 1381-1395.

Lee, C., M.L. Peterson,S.G. Wakeham, R.A. Armstrong, J.K. Cochran, J.C. Miquel, S.W. Fowler, D. Hirschberg, A. Beck and J. Xue. 2009. Particulate organic matter and ballast fluxes measured using time-series and settling velocity sediment traps in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea. Deep-Sea Research II 56(18): 1420-1436.

Armstrong, R.A., M.L. Peterson, C. Lee and S.G. Wakeham. 2009. Settling velocity spectra and the ballast ratio hypothesis. Deep-Sea Research II 56(18): 1470-1478.

Bokuniewicz, Henry

Rapaglia, J.P. and H. J. Bokuniewicz, 2009. The effect of groundwater advection on salinity in pore waters of permeable sediments. Limnology and Oceanography 54 (2): 630–643.

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Cerrato, Robert

Lonsdale, D.J., R.M. Cerrato, R. Holland, A. Mass, L. Holt, R. Schaffner, J.  Pan and D. A. Caron. 2009. Influence of suspension-feeding bivalves on the pelagic food webs of shallow, coastal embayments.  Aquatic Biology 6: 263-279.

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Cochran J. Kirk

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Colle, Brian

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Collier, Jackie

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Baker, K.M., C.M. Gobler and J.L. Collier. 2009. Urease gene sequences from algae and heterotrophic bacteria in axenic and nonaxenic phytoplankton cultures. Journal of Phycology 45(3): 625-634.

Fisher, Nicholas

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Flood, Roger

Flood, R.D., R.N Hiscott and A.E. Aksu. 2009. Morphology and evolution of an anastomosed channel network where saline underflow enters the Black Sea. Sedimentology 56: 807-839.

Cheng, P., R. Wilson, R.J. Chant, D.C Fugate and R.D. Flood. 2009.  Modeling influence of stratification on lateral circulation in a stratified estuary.  Journal of Physical Oceanography 39(9): 2324-2337.

Frisk, Michael

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Geller, Marvin

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Gobler, Christopher

Panzeca, C., A. Tovar-Sanchez, J. Segovio-Zavala, G.T. Taylor, C. J. Gobler and S. Sañudo-Wilhelmy 2009. Cycling of dissolved vitamin B12, trace metals, and inorganic nutrients in a western boundary upwelling system off Mexico.Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science 85(2): 223-230.

Tang Y.Z. and C.J. Gobler. 2009. Cochlodinium polykrikoides blooms and clonal isolates from the northwest Atlantic coast cause rapid mortality in larvae of multiple shellfish species.  Marine Biology 156(12): 2601-2611.

Jiang, X,, Y.Z. Tang, D.J. Lonsdale and C.J. Gobler. 2009.  Deleterious consequences of a red tide dinoflagellateCochlodinium polykrikoides (Margalef) for the calanoid copepod Acartia tonsa (Dana).  Marine Ecology Progress Series 390: 105–116.

Talmage, S.C. and C.J. Gobler. 2009. The effects of elevated carbon dioxide concentrations on the metamorphosis, size, and survival of larval hard clams (Mercenaria mercenaria), bay scallops (Argopecten irradians), and Eastern oysters (Crassostrea virginica). Limnology and Oceanography 54(6): 2072–2080.

Rose, J.M., Y. Feng, C.J. Gobler, R. Gutierrez, C.E. Hare, K. Leblanc and D.A. Hutchins. 2009. The effects of increased pCO2 and temperature on the North Atlantic Spring Bloom. II. Microzooplankton abundance and grazing. Marine Ecology Progress Series 388: 27–40.

Newell, R.E., S.T. Tettelbach, C.J. Gobler and D.G. Kimmel. 2009. Relationships between reproduction in suspension-feeding hard clams, Mercenaria mercenaria, and phytoplankton community structure. Marine Ecology Progress Series 387:179-196.

Mulholland, M.R., R.E. Morse, G.E. Boneillo, P.W. Bernhardt, K.C. Filippino, L.A. Procise, J. Blanco, H.G. Marshal, T.A.Edgerton, W.S. Hunley, K.A. Moore, D.L. Berryand and C.J. Gobler. 2009. Understanding causes and impacts of the dinoflagellate, Cochlodinium polykrikoides, blooms in the Chesapeake Bay.  Estuaries and Coasts 32(4): 734-747.

Baker. K.M., C.J. Gobler and J.L. Collier. 2009. Urease gene sequences from algae and heterotrophic bacteria in axenic and nonaxenic cultures.  Journal of Phycology 45(3): 625–634.

Davis, T.W., D.L. Berry, G.L. Boyer and C.J.  Gobler, 2009. The effects of temperature and nutrients on the growth and dynamics of toxic and non-toxic strains of Microcystis during cyanobacteria blooms. Harmful Algae 8(5): 715–725.

Koch, F. and C.J. Gobler, 2009. The effects of tidal export from salt marsh ditches on estuarine water quality and plankton communities, Estuaries and Coasts 32(2): 261-275.

Vigil, P., P.D. Countway, J. Rose, D.J. Lonsdale, C.J. Gobler and D.A. Caron. 2009. Rapid shifts in dominant taxa among microbial eukaryotes in estuarine ecosystems. Aquatic Microbial Ecology 54(1): 83–100.

Tang Y.Z. and C.J. Gobler.  2009. Characterization of the toxicity of Cochlodinium polykrikoides isolates from Northeast US estuaries to finfish and shellfish. Harmful Algae 8(3): 454-462.

Hameed, Sultan

Jordi, A. and S. Hameed, 2009. Influence of the Icelandic Low on the variability of surface air temperature in the Gulf of Lion: implications for intermediate water formation. Journal of Physical Oceanography 39(12): 3228-3232.

Khairoutdinoy, Marat

Khairoutdinov M. F., S. K. Krueger, C.-H. Moeng, P. A. Bogenschutz,and D. A. Randall. 2009. Large-eddy simulation of maritime deep tropical convection. Journal of Advances in Modelling Earth Systems Volume 1, Article #15, 13p.

Moeng C. H., M. A. LeMone, M. F. Khairoutdinov, S. K. Krueger, P. A. Bogenschutz and D. A. Randall. 2009. The tropical marine boundary layer under a deep convection system: a large-eddy simulation study. Journal of Advances in Modelling Earth Systems Volume 1, Article #16, 13p.

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Ackerman, A. S., M. C. vanZanten, B. Stevens, V. Savic-Jovcic, C. S. Bretherton, A. Chlond, J.-C. Golaz, H. Jiang, M. Khairoutdinov, S. K. Krueger, D. C. Lewellen, A. Lock, C.-H. Moeng, K. Nakamura, M. D. Petters, J. R. Snider and S. Weinbrecht and M. Zulauf. 2009. Large-eddy simulations of a drizzling, stratocumulus-topped marine boundary layer.Monthly Weather Review 137(3): 1083-1110.

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Knopf, Daniel

Springmann, M., D.A. Knopf, and N. Riemer. 2009. Detailed heterogeneous chemistry in an urban plume box model: reversible co-adsorption of O3, NO2, and H2O on soot coated with benzo[a]pyrene. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 9(19): 7461–7479.

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Lee, Cindy

Lee, C., R.A. Armstrong, J.K. Cochran, A. Engel, S.W. Fowler, M. Goutx, P. Masqué, J.C. Miquel, M. Peterson C. Tamburini and S. Wakeham. 2009. MedFlux: Investigations of particle flux in the Twilight Zone. Deep-Sea Research II56(18): 1363-1368.

Abramson, L., S. Wirick, C. Lee, C. Jacobsen and J.A. Brandes. 2009. The use of soft X-ray spectromicroscopy to investigate the distribution and composition of organic matter in a diatom frustule and a biomimetic analog. Deep-Sea Research II 56(18): 1369-1386.

Moriceau, B., M. Goutx, C. Guigue, C. Lee, R.A. Armstrong, M. Duflos, C. Tamburini, B. Charrière and O. Ragueneau. 2009. Si-C interactions during degradation of the diatom Skeletonema marinoi. Deep-Sea Research II 56(18): 1381-1395.

Engel. A., J. Szlosek, L. Abramson, Z. Liu and C. Lee. 2009. Investigating the effect of ballasting by CaCO3 in Emiliania huxleyi: I. Formation, settling velocities and physical properties of aggregates. Deep-Sea Research II 56(18): 1396-1407.

Engel, A., L. Abramson, J. Szlosek, Z. Liu, G. Stewart, D. Hirschberg and C. Lee. 2009. Investigating the effect of ballasting by CaCO3 in Emiliania huxleyi: II. Decomposition of particulate organic matter. Deep-Sea Research II56(18): 1408-1419.

Lee, C., M.L. Peterson,S.G. Wakeham, R.A. Armstrong, J.K. Cochran, J.C. Miquel, S.W. Fowler, D. Hirschberg, A. Beck and J. Xue. 2009. Particulate organic matter and ballast fluxes measured using time-series and settling velocity sediment traps in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea. Deep-Sea Research II 56(18): 1420-1436.

Wakeham, S.G., C. Lee, M.L. Peterson, Z. Liu, J. Szlosek, I. Putnam and J. Xue. 2009. Organic biomarkers in the Twilight Zone – time series and settling velocity sediment traps during MEDFLUX. Deep-Sea Research II 56(18): 1437-1453.

Armstrong, R.A., M.L. Peterson, C. Lee and S.G. Wakeham. 2009. Settling velocity spectra and the ballast ratio hypothesis. Deep-Sea Research II 56(18): 1470-1478.

Tamburini, C., M. Goutx, C. Guigue, M. Garel, D. Lefèvre, B. Charrière, R. Sempéré, S. Pepa, M.L. Peterson, S.G. Wakeham and C. Lee. 2009. Effects of hydrostatic pressure on microbial alteration of sinking fecal pellets. Deep-Sea Research II 56(18): 1533-1546.

Peterson, M.L., J. Fabres, S.G. Wakeham, C. Lee, I.J. Alonso and J.C. Miquel. 2009. Sampling the vertical particle flux in the upper water column using a large diameter free-drifting NetTrap adapted to an indented rotating sphere sediment trap. Deep-Sea Research II 56(18): 1547-1557.

Liu, Z., J.K. Cochran, C. Lee, B. Gasser, J.C. Miquel and S.G. Wakeham. 2009. Further investigations on why POC concentrations differ in samples collected by Niskin bottle and in situ pump. Deep-Sea Research II 56(18): 1558-1567.

Liu, Z. J. Mao, M.L. Peterson, C. Lee, S.G. Wakeham and P.G. Hatcher. 2009. Characterization of sinking particles from the northwest Mediterranean Sea using advanced solid-state NMR. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta  73(4): 1014-1026.

Mulholland, M.R. and C. Lee. 2009. Peptide hydrolysis and the uptake of dipeptides by phytoplankton. Limnology and Oceanography 54(3): 856–868.

Alonso-González, I.J., J. Arístegui, C. Lee and A. Calafat. 2010. Regional and temporal variability of sinking organic matter in the subtropical northeast Atlantic Ocean: a biomarker diagnosis. Biogeosciences Discussions 7(7) 2101-2115.

Lonsdale, Darcy

Lonsdale, D.J., R.M. Cerrato, R. Holland, A. Mass, L. Holt, R. Schaffner, J.  Pan and D. A. Caron. 2009. Influence of suspension-feeding bivalves on the pelagic food webs of shallow, coastal embayments.  Aquatic Biology 6: 263-279.

Jiang, X,, Y.Z. Tang, D.J. Lonsdale and C.J. Gobler. 2009.  Deleterious consequences of a red tide dinoflagellateCochlodinium polykrikoides (Margalef) for the calanoid copepod Acartia tonsa (Dana).  Marine Ecology Progress Series 390: 105–116.

Vigil, P., P.D. Countway, J. Rose, D.J. Lonsdale, C.J. Gobler and D.A. Caron. 2009. Rapid shifts in dominant taxa among microbial eukaryotes in estuarine ecosystems. Aquatic Microbial Ecology 54(1): 83–100.

McElroy, Anne

Weisbrod, A.V., K.B. Woodburn, A.A. Koelmans, T.F. Parkerton, A. E. McElroy and K. Borgå. 2009. Evaluation of bioaccumulation using whole organism lab and field studies.  Integrated Environmental  Assessment and Management 5(4): 598-623.

Scranton, Mary

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Taylor, Gordon

Taylor, G.T., R. Thunell, R. Varela, C. Benitez-Nelson and M.I. Scranton. 2009. Hydrolytic ectoenzyme activity associated with suspended and sinking organic particles within the anoxic Cariaco Basin.  Deep-Sea Research I56(8): 1266-1283.

Panzeca, C., A.J. Beck, A. Tovar-Sanchez, J. Segovio-Zavala, C.J. Gobler, G.T. Taylor and S.A. Sañudo-Wilhelmy. 2009. Distributions of dissolved vitamin B12 and Co in coastal and open-ocean marine systems. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 85(2): 223-230.

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Wang, Dong-Ping

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Warren, Joseph

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Zhu, Qingzhi

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