Topics in Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
- 01/29/03 11:30am, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Coupling of the Climate’s Energy and Water Cycles by Clouds”
- Speaker: William B. Rossow
- Affiliation: Goddard Institute for Space Studies, NASA
- 02/05/03 11:30am, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Simulation of the Madden-Julian Oscillation in the ECHAM GCM”
- Speaker: Stefan Liess
- Affiliation: ITPA, Marine Sciences Research Center
- 02/12/03 11:30am, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Evaluation of Ensemble Predictions of Blocking in the NCEP Global Spectral Model”
- Speaker: Joshua S. Watson
- Affiliation: National Weather Service Eastern Regional Headquarters, Bohemia
- 02/19/03 11:30am, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Observational Evidence of a Stratospheric Influence on the Troposphere by Planetary Wave Reflection”
- Speaker: Nili Harnik
- Affiliation: Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University
- 02/26/03 11:30am, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “On the Time Variability of the Net Ocean to Atmosphere Heat Flux in Midlatitudes”
- Speaker: Arnaud Czaja
- Affiliation: Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- 03/05/03 11:30am, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Long Island Sound Circulation and Stratification Sampled by Ferry and by Moored Profilers”
- Speaker: Dan Codiga
- Affiliation: Marine Sciences Technology Center, University of Connecticut
- 03/12/03 11:30am, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Assimilation of GPS Occultation Measurements”
- Speaker: Xiaolei Zou
- Affiliation: Department of Meteorology, Florida State University
- 03/19/03 11:30am, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: Spring Break
- Speaker:
- Affiliation:
- 03/26/03 11:30am, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Stratosphere-Troposphere Coupling: Lessons from a Deceptively Simple General Circulation Model”
- Speaker: Lorenzo Polvani
- Affiliation: Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, and Department of Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics, Columbia University
- 04/02/03 11:30am, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Impact of ENSO on Variability of the Global Atmosphere-Ocean System”
- Speaker: Gabriel Lau
- Affiliation: Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, NOAA
- 04/09/03 11:30am, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Haze, Clouds, and Man’s Impact on Climate”
- Speaker: Jim Coakley
- Affiliation: College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences, Oregon State University
- 04/16/03 11:30am, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Transport and Entrapment of Zooplankton in Mesoscale Coastal Currents and Eddies off Northern Norway”
- Speaker: Meng Zhou
- Affiliation: Environmental, Coastal and Ocean Sciences, University of Massachusetts, Boston
- 04/23/03 11:30am, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Predictability of Dynamical Systems Relevant to Climate and Weather”
- Speaker: Richard Kleeman
- Affiliation: Courant Institute for Mathematical Sciences, New York University
- 04/30/03 11:30am, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “TBA”
- Speaker: David Ullman
- Affiliation: Graduate School of Oceanography, University of Rhode Island
- 05/07/03 11:30am, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “TBA”
- Speaker: Isaac Ginis
- Affiliation: Graduate School of Oceanography, University of Rhode Island
Topics in Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
- 09/01/04 11:30am, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Extending the Limits of Ensemble Forecast Verification with the Minimum Spanning Tree”
- Speaker: Jim Hansen
- Affiliation: EAPS, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA
- 09/08/04 11:30am, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Simulating Twentieth Century Climate Change on Global and Regional Scales”
- Speaker: Anthony J. Broccoli
- Affiliation: Department of Environmental Sciences, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ
- 09/15/04 11:30am, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Warmer Earth, Greener North, and Carbon Cycle Perturbations Caused by Northern Hemispheric Droughts”
- Speaker: Compton J. Tucker
- Affiliation: Laboratory for Terrestrial Physics, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD
- 09/22/04 11:30am, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “The Role of Spray in Turbulent Air-Sea Exchange”
- Speaker: Edgar L. Andreas
- Affiliation: US Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory, Hanover, New Hampshire
- 09/29/04 11:30am, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Improved Extended Reconstruction of SST”
- Speaker: Tom Smith
- Affiliation: College of Computer, Mathematical and Physical Sciences, University of Maryland, College Park, MD
- 10/06/04 11:30am, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Air-sea Interaction: the Mechanics of Coupling”
- Speaker: Tihomir Hristov
- Affiliation: Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD
- 10/13/04 11:30am, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Scaling Properties of Aerosol Optical Thickness Retrieved from Ground Based Measurements”
- Speaker: Mikhail Alexandrov
- Affiliation: Dept. of Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics, Columbia University
- 10/20/04 11:30am, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “A Conceptual Modeling Study on Biosphere-Atmosphere Interactions and its Implications for Physically Based Climate Modeling”
- Speaker: Guiling Wang
- Affiliation: Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Connecticut
- 10/27/04 11:30am, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Acceleration of the Global Freshwater Cycle: Will it Change the Ocean Thermohaline Circulation?”
- Speaker: Bruce Peterson
- Affiliation: Ecosystems Center, Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, MA
- 11/03/04 11:30am, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Recent Results on Global Atmospheric Temperature Trends”
- Speaker: Dian Seidel
- Affiliation: NOAA Air Resources Laboratory, Silver Spring, MD
- 11/10/04 11:30am, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Does Smoke Kill Clouds? A Brief Overview on Aerosol Forcing”
- Speaker: Ilan Koren
- Affiliation: NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD
- 11/17/04 11:30am, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Deep Convection East of Greenland: Atmospheric Forcing and Oceanic Response”
- Speaker: Robert S. Pickart
- Affiliation: Department of Physical Oceanography, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA
- 11/24/04 11:30am, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Thanksgiving Break – No Seminar“
- Speaker:
- Affiliation:
- 12/01/04 11:30am, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Predictability studies of the Intraseasonal Oscillation with the ECHAM5 GCM”
- Speaker: Stefan Liess
- Affiliation: ITPA, MSRC, Stony Brook University
- 12/08/04 11:30am, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Impact of Urbanization and Land-Use on Climate Change”
- Speaker: Ming Cai
- Affiliation: Department of Meteorology Florida State University
on Friday, October 22, 2004 by
Topics in Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
- 01/28/04 11:30am, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Cancelled due to snow storm“
- Speaker:
- Affiliation:
- 02/04/04 11:30am, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “The Slocum Gliders: A Technological Evolution”
- Speaker: Katarzyna Niewiadomska
- Affiliation: Webb Research Corporation, E. Falmouth, MA
- 02/11/04 11:30am, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Natural Forcing of Climate Change in the Pre-Industrial Period”
- Speaker: Gavin Schmidt
- Affiliation: NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies, New York, NY
- 02/18/04 11:30am, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Representing Cloud Sub-Gridscale Variability in Large-Scale Models”
- Speaker: Robert Pincus
- Affiliation: NOAA-CIRES Climate Diagnostics Center, Boulder, Colorado
- 02/25/04 11:30am, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “The National Weather Service and the Value of University Partnerships”
- Speaker: Kenneth Johnson
- Affiliation: National Weather Service, Eastern Region Headquarters, Bohemia, NY
- 03/01/04 11:30am, Monday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Observed Reduction in Surface Solar Radiation in the Last Decades and Consequences for the Water Cycle”
- Speaker: Beate Liepert
- Affiliation: Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University, Palisades, NY
- 03/03/04 11:30am, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Observed Reduction in Surface Solar Radiation in the Last Decades and Consequences for the Water Cycle”
- Speaker: Beate Liepert
- Affiliation: Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University, Palisades, NY
- 03/10/04 11:30am, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “An Unstructured Grid, Finite-Volume Coastal Ocean Model: Validation and Application”
- Speaker: Changsheng Chen
- Affiliation: School for Marine and Technology, University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth, MA
- 03/17/04 11:30am, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Stationary Wave Responses to Global Warming in Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Models”
- Speaker: Mingfang Ting
- Affiliation: Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University, Palisades, NY
- 03/24/04 11:30am, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Two Physics Ensemble Experiments and Probabilistic Forecasts with NCEP Short-Range Ensemble Forecasting (SREF) System”
- Speaker: Jun Du
- Affiliation: Environmental Modeling Center, National Centers for Environmental Prediction, Camp Springs, MD
- 03/31/04 11:30am, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Seasonal and Intraseasonal Prediction Efforts at NCEP: Toward a Seamless Suite of Forecast Products”
- Speaker: Hua-lu Pan
- Affiliation: Environmental Modeling Center, National Centers for Environmental Prediction, Camp Springs, MD
- 04/07/04 11:30am, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Spring Break – No Seminar“
- Speaker:
- Affiliation:
- 04/14/03 11:30am, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Organic Emissions from Boreal, Temperate and Tropical Vegetation and their Role in Climate and Air Qualilty”
- Speaker: Alex B. Guenther
- Affiliation: NCAR Atmospheric Chemistry Division, Boulder, CO
- 04/23/04 10:00am, Friday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Tropical Cloud-Climate Feedback Processes and the Fixed Anvil Temperature Hypothesis”
- Speaker: Dennis Hartmann, Cess Distinguished Lecturer
- Affiliation: University of Washington
- 04/28/04 11:30am, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “What determines the heat transport of a coupled ocean-atmosphere? And does it matter?”
- Speaker: Dick Ou
- Affiliation: Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University, Palisades, NY
- 05/05/04 11:30am, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Satellite Microwave Products Developed at NOAA/NESDIS”
- Speaker: Fuzhong Weng
- Affiliation: NOAA, National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service (NESDIS)
Topics in Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
- 08/31/05 11:45am, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Organic Aerosol Growth Mechanisms”
- Speaker: Lynn Russell
- Affiliation: Center for Atmospheric Sciences, University of California at San Diego
- 09/09/05 10:30am, Friday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “The Global Hydrological Response to Warming”
- Speaker: Isaac Held
- Affiliation: Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research (OAR), NOAA
- 09/14/05 11:45am, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Interannual Variations and Trends in Tropical Droughts”
- Speaker: Brad Lyon
- Affiliation: International Research Institute for Climate Prediction, The Earth Institute at Columbia University
- 09/21/05 11:45am, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Dynamics in Planetary Atmospheric Physics: Comparative Studies of Equatorial Superrotation for Venus, Titan and Earth”
- Speaker: Xun Zhu
- Affiliation: Applied Physics Laboratory, Johns Hopkins University
- 09/28/05 11:45am, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Integrated Lag Covariance as a Diagnostic of Climate Sensitivity”
- Speaker: Daniel Kirk-Davidoff
- Affiliation: Department of Meteorology, University of Maryland
- 10/12/05 11:45am, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Global Changes of Water Cycle Intensity”
- Speaker: Michael G. Bosilovich
- Affiliation: Global Modeling and Assimilation Office, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC)
- 10/19/05 11:45am, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “The Effect of Internally Versus Externally Mixed Aerosols on Aerosol Chemical Composition and Climate Forcing: An Investigation with the GISS Climate Model”
- Speaker: Susanna Bauer
- Affiliation: NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS)
- 10/26/05 12:00pm, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Potential Predictability of Tropical Indian Ocean Sector Climate Variations”
- Speaker: Roxana C. Wajsowicz
- Affiliation: Department of Meteorology, University of Maryland
- 11/02/05 12:00pm, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Downstream Weather Impacts Associated with Atmospheric Blocking Over the Northeast Pacific”
- Speaker: Marco Carrera
- Affiliation: McGill University, Montreal, Canada
- 11/09/05 12:00pm, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “When Will the Anarctic Ozone Hole Recover?”
- Speaker: Paul A. Newman
- Affiliation: Atmospheric Chemistry and Dynamics Branch, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC)
- 11/16/05 10:00am, Tuesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “TOMS and OMI Aerosol Observations”
- Speaker: Omar Torres
- Affiliation: Joint Center for Earth Systems Technology (JCET), NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC)
- 11/23/05 Thanksgiving Break – No Seminar
- Title:
- Speaker:
- Affiliation:
- 11/30/05 12:00pm, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Interannual Variations of the Diurnal Tide in the Mesosphere Generated by the Quasi-biennial Oscillation”
- Speaker: Hans G. Mayr
- Affiliation: Atmospheric Chemistry and Dynamics Branch, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC)
- 12/07/05 12:00pm, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Systematic Stochastic Mode Reduction for Climate”
- Speaker: Christian Franzke
- Affiliation: Courant Institute of Mathematics Sciences, Center for Atmosphere Ocean Science, New York University
Topics in Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
- 01/26/05 11:30am, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Long-Term Aridity Changes in the Western United States: Links to the Tropical Pacific and Radiative Forcing”
- Speaker: Edward Cook
- Affiliation: Tree-Ring Laboratory, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
- 02/02/05 11:30am, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Extended Wind Stress Analyses for ENSO”
- Speaker: Andrew Wittenberg
- Affiliation: Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- 02/09/05 11:30am, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “The Oregon Climate Transition: Modeling and Isotope Data”
- Speaker: Ronald Smith
- Affiliation: Department of Geology and Geophysics, Yale University
- 02/16/05 11:30am, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Maximum Entropy Production and Climate System Functioning”
- Speaker: Axel Kleidon
- Affiliation: Department of Geography and Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center, University of Maryland
- 02/23/05 11:30am, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “How Strong is Carbon Cycle-Climate Feedback Under Global Warming?”
- Speaker: Ning Zeng
- Affiliation: Department of Meteorology and Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center, University of Maryland
- 03/02/05 11:30am, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “An Efficient Bulk Microphysical Parameterization for Use in Operational Forecast Models”
- Speaker: Brad Ferrier
- Affiliation: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- 03/09/05 11:30am, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Assessment of Moisture and Wind Fields from Reanalyses and TOVS Satellite Retrievals Over the Polar Region”
- Speaker: Cheng-Zhi Zou
- Affiliation: Surface and Atmosphere Team, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administation
- 03/16/05 11:30am, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Greenhouse Warming and Hurricane Intensity”
- Speaker: Tom Knutson
- Affiliation: Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- 03/23/05 11:30am, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Spring Break – No Seminar“
- Speaker:
- Affiliation:
- 03/30/05 11:30am, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “A New Approach to Using a Cloud-Resolving Model to Study the Interactions Between Clouds, Precipitation and Aerosols”
- Speaker: Wei-Kuo Tao
- Affiliation: Mesoscale Modeling and Dynamic Group, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center
- 04/05/05 10:00am, Tuesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Floating Honeycombs: Simulating the Atmosphere and Ocean
with Geodesic Grids and Quasi-Lagrangian Vertical Coordinates” - Speaker: David Randall, Cess Distinguished Lecturer
- Affiliation: Department of Atmospheric Science, Colorado State University
- Title: “Floating Honeycombs: Simulating the Atmosphere and Ocean
- 04/13/05 11:30am, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “The Partitioning of the Poleward Heat Transport Between the Ocean and Atmosphere”
- Speaker: Arnaud Czaja
- Affiliation: Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- 04/20/05 11:30am, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Addressing the Issue of Systematic Errors in a Regional Climate Model”
- Speaker: Vasubandhu Misra
- Affiliation: Institute of Global Environment and Society, Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies
- 04/27/05 11:30am, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Warm Pool Dynamics and the Global Mean Climate”
- Speaker: Amy Clement
- Affiliation: Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, University of Miami
- 05/04/05 11:30am, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Aerosol Size Distribution and Refractive Index Measured at ARM SGP Site and Their Application to Study Aerosol Direct Radiative Forcing”
- Speaker: Jian Wang
- Affiliation: Atmospheric Sciences Division, Brookhaven National Laboratory
on Thursday, March 31, 2005 by
Topics in Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
- 09/06/06 12:00pm, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Estimated PDFs of Climate System Properties Including Natural and Anthropogenic Forcings”
- Speaker: Chris Forest
- Affiliation: Joint Program on the Science & Policy of Global Change, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- 09/13/06 12:00pm, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Exploring Pollution-Cloud-Climate Interactions in the Arctic”
- Speaker: Tim Garrett
- Affiliation: Department of Meteorology, University of Utah
- 09/20/06 12:00pm, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Bayesian Approach to Decision Making Using Ensemble Weather Forecasts”
- Speaker: Rick Katz
- Affiliation: Institute for the Study of Society and Environment, National Center for Atmospheric Research
- 09/27/06 12:00pm, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Modeling the Terrestrial Biosphere and the Future of the Carbon Sink”
- Speaker: S.W. Pacala
- Affiliation: Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Princeton University
- 10/04/06 12:00pm, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Solar and CO2 Climatic Responses: The Case for Solar Forcing of Arctic Temperature Change on Decadal to Multidecadal Timescales”
- Speaker: Willie Soon
- Affiliation: Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
- 10/11/06 12:00pm, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Interannual and Seasonal Variability of Hypoxia in the Benguela Upwelling System: Coupled Oceanic and Shelf Forcing”
- Speaker: Pedro M. Scheel Monteiro
- Affiliation: Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), South Africa
- 10/18/06 12:00pm, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Climate Modeling of the 20th and 21st Centuries”
- Speaker: Warren Washington
- Affiliation: Climate and Global Dynamics Division, National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
- Dr. Washington is this year’s Robert D. Cess Distinguished Speaker.
- 10/25/06 12:00pm, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Global Dust Transport: The Impact on Weather, Climate, and the Oceans”
- Speaker: Joseph Prospero
- Affiliation: Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, University of Miami
- 11/01/06 12:00pm, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Multi-Scale Modelling of Coupled Biological-Physical Systems in the North Pacific Ocean”
- Speaker: Enrique Curchitser
- Affiliation: Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University
- 11/08/06 12:00pm, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “The Impact of Coastal Boundaries and Small Hills on the Precipitation Distribution Across Southern Connecticut and Long Island, New York”
- Speaker: Brian Colle
- Affiliation: Institute for Terrestrial & Planetary Atmospheres, Marine Sciences Research Center, Stony Brook University
- 11/15/06 12:00pm, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Satellite Observations of Atmospheric Gravity Waves”
- Speaker: Joan Alexander
- Affiliation: NorthWest Research Associates
- 11/22/06 Thanksgiving Break – No Seminar
- Title:
- Speaker:
- Affiliation:
- 11/29/06 12:00pm, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Hurricanes, Global Warming, and Modern Risk Models”
- Speaker: James Elsner
- Affiliation: Department of Geography, Florida State University
- 12/06/06 12:00pm, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Anthropogenic and Natural Influences in the Evolution of Lower Stratospheric Cooling”
- Speaker: V. Ramaswamy
- Affiliation: Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, Princeton University
Page last modified on Tuesday, September 10, 2006 by George E. Carroll
Topics in Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
- 01/25/06 12:00pm, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Lapse Rate Changes in the Tropics: Expectations vs. Observations”
- Speaker: Steve Sherwood
- Affiliation: Department of Geology and Geophysics, Yale University
- 02/01/06 12:00pm, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “New Simulations with a Coupled Composition-Atmosphere Ocean GCM: Response of Climate, Compostion, and Dynamics to Exernal Forcing”
- Speaker: Drew Shindell
- Affiliation: Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS), NASA
- 02/08/06 12:00pm, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Interactions Between Oregon’s Coastal River Plumes and the Wintertime Wind-Driven Shelf Circulation”
- Speaker: Michael Whitney
- Affiliation: Department of Marine Sciences, University of Connecticut
- 02/15/06 12:00pm, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Organization of Mesoscale Convective Systems and its Parameterization in GCM”
- Speaker: Anning Cheng
- Affiliation: Langley Research Center, NASA
- 02/22/06 12:00pm, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Toward the End of Cumulus Parameterization”
- Speaker: Olivier Pauluis
- Affiliation: Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University
- 03/01/06 12:00pm, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “An Ephemeral Nearshore Observatory of the Physical and Biological Oceanography of Livingston Island, Antarctica”
- Speaker: Joe Warren
- Affiliation: Marine Sciences Research Center, Stony Brook University – Southampton
- 03/08/06 12:00pm, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “NWP Model Representation of Organized Convective Systems”
- Speaker: Gary Lackmann
- Affiliation: Department of Marine, Earth, and Atmospheric Sciences, North Carolina State University
- 03/15/06 12:00pm, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Lidar Measurements from Space: New Global Results on Cloud and Aerosol Distribution and Overlap, PBL Height and Elevated Aerosol Layers”
- Speaker: James Spinhirne
- Affiliation: Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC), NASA
- 03/22/06 12:00pm, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Cleaning the Air and Improving Health with Hydrogen Fuel-Cell Vehicles”
- Speaker: Mark Jacobson
- Affiliation: Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Stanford University
- 03/29/06 12:00pm, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “The Impact of Tropical SSTs on the Seasonal Atmospheric Variability”
- Speaker: Peitao Peng
- Affiliation: Climate Predicition Center (CPC), National Centers of Environment Prediction (NCEP), NOAA
- 04/05/06 12:00pm, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Do Satellites Detect Trends in Surface Solar Radiation?”
- Speaker: Rachel Pinker
- Affiliation: Department of Meteorology, University of Maryland
- 04/12/06 Spring Break – No Seminar
- Title:
- Speaker:
- Affiliation:
- 04/19/06 12:00pm, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Climatic Controls on Central African Hydrology During the Past 20,000 Years”
- Speaker: Enno Schefuss
- Affiliation: Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI)
- 04/26/06 12:00pm, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Organic Carbon Aerosol in the Free Troposphere”
- Speaker: Colette Heald
- Affiliation: Atmospheric Chemistry Modeling Group, Harvard University
- 05/03/06 12:00pm, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Tropical Influences on Extratropical Precipitation Systems”
- Speaker: John Gyakum
- Affiliation: Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, McGill University
Page last modified on Tuesday, December 20, 2005 by George E. Carroll
Topics in Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
- 09/05/07 12:00pm, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Breaking Synoptic-Scale Rossby Waves Causing Blocks, Heavy Precipitation,…”
- Speaker: Olivia Martius
- Affiliation: Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics, Columbia University
- 09/12/07 12:00pm, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Characterizing the Equatorial QBO and its Effects on the Winter Circulation in the Northern Hemisphere: Implications for Seasonal Forecasting”
- Speaker: Kevin Hamilton
- Affiliation: Department of Meteorology, University of Hawaii
- 09/19/07 12:00pm, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Seasonal and Interannual Variations of Marine Boundary Layer Clouds and the Associated Physics”
- Speaker: Wuyin Lin
- Affiliation: Institute for Terrestrial and Planetary Atmospheres, School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences, Stony Brook University
- 09/26/07 12:00pm, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Climatology of Tropical Cyclogenesis in the North Atlantic(1948 – 2004)”
- Speaker: Ron McTaggart-Cowan
- Affiliation: Numerical Weather Prediction, Division, Canadian Meteorological Service
- 10/03/07 12:00pm, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Response of Squall Lines to Nocturnal Cooling”
- Speaker: Matthew Parker
- Affiliation: Marine, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, North Carolina State University
- 10/10/07 12:00pm, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Considering Arctic Sea Ice Stability”
- Speaker: Michael Winton
- Affiliation: Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration
- 10/17/07 12:00pm, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Emergence and Structure of Jets in Baroclinic Turbulence”
- Speaker: Brian Farrell
- Affiliation: Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Harvard University
- 10/24/07 12:00pm, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Role of Dust in Inhibiting Hurricane Formation”
- Speaker: William K.M. Lau
- Affiliation: Laboratory for Atmospheres, NASA-Goddard Space Flight Center
- 10/31/07 12:00pm, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Estimating Eliassen-Palm Flux Using COSMIC Radio Occultation”
- Speaker: Stephen Leroy
- Affiliation: Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences
- 11/07/07 12:00pm, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Black Carbon Aerosol and Tropical Convective Precipitation”
- Speaker: Chien Wang
- Affiliation: Center for Global Change Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- 11/14/07 12:00pm, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “The Dynamic Role of Tropical Cyclones in the Climate System”
- Speaker: Matthew Huber
- Affiliation: Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Purdue University
- 11/21/07 Thanksgiving Break – No Seminar
- Title:
- Speaker:
- Affiliation:
- 11/28/07 12:00pm, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Thin Liquid Water Clouds: Their Importance and Our Challenge”
- Speaker: Andrew Vogelmann
- Affiliation: Atmospheric Sciences Division, Brookhaven National Laboratory
- 12/05/07 12:00pm, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Effects of Semivolatile Emissions and Photochemical Aging on Urban and Regional Primary and Secondary Organic Aerosol Concentrations”
- Speaker: Allen Robinson
- Affiliation: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University
- 12/12/07 12:00pm, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Physical Response of the Coastal Ocean to a Severe Storm in the Palamos Submarine Canyon (NW Mediterranean)”
- Speaker: Antoni Jordi Ballester
- Affiliation: Marine Sciences Research Center, School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences, Stony Brook University
Page last modified on Tuesday, September 4, 2007 by George E. Carroll
Topics in Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
- 01/24/07 12:00pm, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Marine Stratocumulus Cloud and Drizzle – New Observational Findings”
- Speaker: Sandra E. Yuter
- Affiliation: Department of Marine, Earth, and Atmospheric Sciences, North Carolina State University
- 01/31/07 12:00pm, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Tidal Mixing at Steep Topography”
- Speaker: Sonya Legg
- Affiliation: Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, Princeton University
- 02/07/07 12:00pm, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Changes in Snowfall and Near-Surface Temperature Over Antarctica During the Past 50 Years”
- Speaker: Andy Monaghan
- Affiliation: Polar Meteorology Group, Byrd Polar Research Center, Ohio State University
- 02/14/07 12:00pm, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Organized Warm-Season Precipitation Systems”
- Speaker: Mitchell Moncrieff
- Affiliation: Cloud Systems Group, Mesoscale and Microscale Meteorology Division, National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
- 02/21/07 12:00pm, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Mesoscale and Regional Scale Data Assimilation”
- Speaker: Fuqing Zhang
- Affiliation: Department of Atmospherics Sciences, Texas A&M University
- 02/28/07 12:00pm, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “The Spatial Structure and Timescales of the NAO and Annular Modes”
- Speaker: Edwin P. Gerber
- Affiliation: Department of Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics, Columbia University
- 03/07/07 12:00pm, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “North American Regional Reanalysis”
- Speaker: Fedor Mesinger
- Affiliation: National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP), Environmental Modeling Center
- 03/14/07 12:00pm, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Is Global Warming Affecting Tropical Cyclone Activity?”
- Speaker: Kerry A. Emanuel
- Affiliation: Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Dr. Emanual is this year’s Robert D. Cess Distinguished Speaker
- 03/21/07 12:00pm, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Annual Cycle Modes in the Tropical Atlantic Cycle”
- Speaker: David G. DeWitt
- Affiliation: International Research Institute for Climate and Society, Columbia University
- 03/28/07 12:00pm, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “The Cause of the Fragile Relationship Between the Pacific El Nino and the Atlantic El Nino”
- Speaker: Ping Chang
- Affiliation: Department of Oceanography, Texas A&M University
- 04/04/07 Spring Break – No Seminar
- Title:
- Speaker:
- Affiliation:
- 04/11/07 12:00pm, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Microphysical Properties of Stratus/Stratocumulus Clouds During the 2005 Marine Status/Stratocumulus Experiment (MASE)”
- Speaker: Peter H. Daum
- Affiliation: Atmospheric Sciences Division, Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL)
- 04/18/07 12:00pm, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Stratosphere-Troposphere Coupling During Spring Onset”
- Speaker: Robert X. Black
- Affiliation: School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Georgia Institute of Technology
- 04/25/07 12:00pm, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Impact of Atmospheric State and Dynamics on Cloud Properties”
- Speaker: Catherine Naud
- Affiliation: Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics, Columbia University
- 05/02/07 12:00pm, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Links Between Annual, Milankovitch and Continuum Temperature Variability”
- Speaker: Peter Huybers
- Affiliation: Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Harvard University
Page last modified on Friday, December 1, 2006 by George E. Carroll
Topics in Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
09/03/08 12:00pm, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Consider a spherical earth: Heat capacity, time constant and sensitivity of
earth’s climate system” - Speaker: Stephen Schwartz
- Affiliation: Atmospheric Sciences Division, Brookhaven National Laboratory
- Title: “Consider a spherical earth: Heat capacity, time constant and sensitivity of
09/10/08 12:00pm, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Extracting Cloud Properties from Doppler Radar Spectra”
- Speaker: Edward Luke
- Affiliation: Atmospheric Sciences Division, Brookhaven National Laboratory
09/17/08 12:00pm, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Surface Fluxes and Tropical Intraseasonal Oscillations”
- Speaker: Adam Sobel
- Affiliation: Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Columbia University
09/24/08 12:00pm, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Late Holocene Tropical Atlantic Climate Variability”
- Speaker: David Black
- Affiliation: School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences, Stony Brook University
10/01/08 Rosh Hashanah – No Seminar
- Title:
- Speaker:
- Affiliation:
10/08/08 12:00pm, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “A Re-interpretation of the Impact of North Atlantic Oscillation on European Climate”
- Speaker: Jawed Iqbal
- Affiliation: Department of Mathematics, University of Karachi, Pakistan
10/15/08 12:00pm, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Tornadogenesis: Our Current Understanding and Questions to Guide Future Research”
- Speaker: Paul Markowski
- Affiliation: Department of Meteorology, Pennsylvania State University
10/22/08 12:00pm, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Climatic Effects of Regional Nuclear Wars”
- Speaker: Alan Robock
- Affiliation: Department of Environmental Sciences, Rutgers University
10/29/08 12:00pm, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Storm Track Dynamics and Variability – – What Don’t We Know About Storm Tracks?”
- Speaker: Edmund Chang
- Affiliation: School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences, Stony Brook University
11/05/08 12:00pm, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Statistical Approaches to Aerosol Dynamics for Climate Stimulation”
- Speaker: Robert McGraw
- Affiliation: Atmospheric Sciences Division, Brookhaven National Laboratory
11/12/08 Conference on Coastal Storms – No Seminar
- Title:
- Speaker:
- Affiliation:
11/19/08 12:00pm, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Recent Global Changes in Greenhouse Gases: How Much and Why?”
- Speaker: Ronald Prinn
- Affiliation: Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
11/26/08 Thanksgiving Break – No Seminar
- Title:
- Speaker:
- Affiliation:
12/03/08 12:00pm, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “The Global Ocean Circulation and its Variability”
- Speaker: Carl Wunsch
- Affiliation: Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
12/10/08 12:00pm, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “A Model Investigation on the Role of Air-Sea Interaction in the Climatological Evolution and ENSO-Related Variability of the Summer Monsoon Over South China and Western Pacific”
- Speaker: Gabriel Lau
- Affiliation: Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory/NOAA, Princeton University
Page last modified on Thursday, October 23, 2008 by George E. Carroll
Topics in Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
- 01/30/08 12 noon, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Middle Atmosphere Advances During the 1960s and Foundations They Established for Contemporary Research”
- Speaker: Marvin Geller
- Affiliation: School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences
- 02/06/08 12 noon, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Effect of Remote Sea Surface Temperature Change on Tropical Cyclone Potential Intensity”
- Speaker: Gabriel Vecchi
- Affiliation: NOAA/Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, Princeton Forrestal Campus
- 02/13/08 12 noon, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Climate and Vegetation in the Middle East: Interannual Variability and Drought Feedbacks”
- Speaker: Benjamin Zaitchik
- Affiliation: Hydrological Sciences Branch, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
- 02/20/08 12 noon, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Associations of Atmospheric and Oceanic Equatorial Kelvin Waves with the Madden Julian Oscillation and Mid-Latitude Weather”
- Speaker: Paul Roundy
- Affiliation: Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, University at Albany
- 02/27/08 12 noon, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Hadley Cell Expansion Under Global Warming”
- Speaker: Michael Previdi
- Affiliation: Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University
- 03/05/08 12 noon, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Simulations of Ozone and Fine Particles Over New York State for Air Quality Planning, Forecasting, and Climate Change Impact Assessment”
- Speaker: Christian Hogrefe
- Affiliation: NY State Department of Environmental Conservation
- 03/12/08 12 noon, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Estuarine Boundary Layer Mixing Processes: Insights from Dye Experiments”
- Speaker: Bob Chant
- Affiliation: Institute of Marine and Coastal Studies, Rutgers University
- 03/19/08 Spring Break – No Seminar
- Title:
- Speaker:
- Affiliation:
- 03/26/08 12 noon, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Impact of Scaling Behavior on Tropical Cyclone Intensities”
- Speaker: Kyle Swanson
- Affiliation: Department of Mathematical Sciences, University Of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
- 04/02/08 12 noon, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Understanding the Poleward Shift of Southern Hemisphere Surface Westerlies: Observations and Idealized Models”
- Speaker: Gang Chen
- Affiliation: NOAA Climate and Global Change Program, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- 04/09/08 12 noon, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Multi-Model Ensembles in Seasonal Climate Forecasts at IRI”
- Speaker: Shuhua Li
- Affiliation: International Research Institute for Climate and Society (IRI), Earth Institute at Columbia University
- 04/16/08 12 noon, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Recent Advancement in Understanding of Water Wave and Muddy Seafloor Interactions”
- Speaker: Philip Li-Fan Liu
- Affiliation: Civil and Environmental Engineering, Cornell University
- 04/23/08 12 noon, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Atmospheric Brown Clouds and Global Warming: A Double Threat for Asia?”
- Speaker: V. Ramanathan
- Affiliation: Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California at San Diego
- Dr. Ramanathan is this year’s Robert D. Cess Distinguished Speaker
- 04/30/08 12 noon, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “An Energetic-Based Analysis of Two Consecutive Extratropical Cyclones”
- Speaker: Steven Decker
- Affiliation: Department of Environmental Sciences, Rutgers University
- 05/07/08 12 noon, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Recent Advances in High-Resolution Paleohurricane Reconstruction with Stalagmite Stable Isotope Records from Central American Caves”
- Speaker: Amy Frappier
- Affiliation: Department of Geology and Geophysics, Boston College
Page last modified on Friday, February 8, 2008 by George E. Carroll
Topics in Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
- 01/28/09 12:00pm, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Dynamical Climate Perturbations and the Fluctuation-Dissipation Theorem”
- Speaker: R. Alan Plumb
- Affiliation: Program in Atmospheres, Oceans, and Climate, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- 02/04/09 12:00pm, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “African Easterly Waves: Origin and Propagation Dynamics”
- Speaker: Anantha Aiyyer
- Affiliation: Department of Marine, Earth, and Atmospheric Sciences, North Carolina State University
- 02/11/09 12:00pm, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “The Sedimentary Rock Cycle on Mars and its Astrobiological Implications”
- Speaker: Scott M. McLennan
- Affiliation: Department of Geosciences, Stony Brook University
- 02/18/09 12:00pm, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Solar Influences on the Earth’s Climate”
- Speaker: Marvin Geller
- Affiliation: School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences, Stony Brook University
- 02/25/09 12:00pm, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Organic Material in Aqueous Atmospheric Aerosols”
- Speaker: V. Faye McNeill
- Affiliation: Department of Chemical Engineering, Columbia University
- 03/04/09 12:00pm, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “The Use of Climate Information in the Tropics: Learning from Practice”
- Speaker: Lareef Zubair
- Affiliation: International Research Institute for Climate and Society, Columbia University
- 03/11/09 12:00pm, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “A Synergy of Microwave Cloud Tomography and Scanning Radar: Moving Toward a 3D View of Clouds”
- Speaker: Dong Huang
- Affiliation: Atmospheric Sciences Division, Brookhaven National Laboratory
- 03/18/09 12:00pm, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Groundwater May Be a Key Player in the Global Water Cycle”
- Speaker: Ying Fan Reinfelder
- Affiliation: Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Rutgers University
- 03/25/09 12:00pm, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “The Ocean’s Role in Developing Double ITCZ in Equatorial Pacific, Ocean in CCSM3”
- Speaker: Hailong Liu
- Affiliation: Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
- 04/01/09 12:00pm, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Modern Weather Forecasting: Scientific Opportunities and Operational Challenges”
- Speaker: Lance Bosart
- Affiliation: Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, University at Albany
- Dr. Bosart is this year’s Robert D. Cess Distinguished Speaker
- 04/08/09 Spring Break – No Seminar
- Title:
- Speaker:
- Affiliation:
- 04/15/09 12:00pm, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Equatorial Convergence of India and Changes in Early Cenozoic Climate”
- Speaker: Dennis Kent
- Affiliation: Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Rutgers University
- 04/22/09 12:00pm, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Offshore Wind Power”
- Speaker: Kevin Pearce
- Affiliation: Marine Engineering and Offshore Operations, Bluewater Wind, Hoboken, New Jersey
- 04/29/09 12:00pm, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “Amplification of the North American Dust Bowl Drought Through Human Induced Land Degradation”
- Speaker: Benjamin Cook
- Affiliation: Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University
- 05/06/09 12:00pm, Wednesday, Endeavour 120
- Title: “21st Century Sea Level Rise Projections: Methods and Uncertainties”
- Speaker: Radley Horton
- Affiliation: Center for Climate Systems Research, Columbia University
Page last modified on Monday, January 26, 2009 by George E. Carroll