Courtney Blankenship

Courtney Blankenship

On the morning of Friday May 21, more than 300 people filled the SoMAS courtyard at a convocation ceremony to celebrate the accomplishments of graduating SoMAS students.

This spring SoMAS awarded thirteen master’s degrees and nine doctorates in Marine and Atmospheric Sciences. More than 65 students graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in one of the SoMAS majors: Atmospheric & Oceanic Sciences, Environmental Studies, Marine Sciences, or Marine Vertebrate Biology.

Each year at convocation, SoMAS presents a certificate to the winner of The Petra M. Udelhofen Memorial Scholarship, a $500 award recognizing an outstanding undergraduate student who is entering his or her senior year of study in a SoMAS program. The 2010 Udelhofen Scholarship was awarded to Deborah Aller.

Several graduating SoMAS undergraduates were recognized by the greater Stony Brook University community for their academic achievements. Environmental Studies major Deborah Klughers was a class valedictorian, and SoMAS undergraduates John Botos, Daniel Clough, Seanna Forrester, Lucas Merlo, and Stephanie Vos graduated with honors. Seanna Forrester, a double major in Chemistry and Environmental Studies, received an award for excellence in undergraduate research for her work in Dr. Daniel Knopf’s lab on “The Effect of Organic Surfactants on the Heterogeneous Ice Nucleation of Aqueous Salt Droplets.”

Jeremy Aronoff and Noel Ciota

Jeremy Aronoff and Noel Ciota

At the convocation ceremony, SoMAS Dean Dr. David Conover congratulated the students on their success and explained how important it will be for them to use their training to help prevent and mitigate ecological disasters such as the April oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

“The spill has the potential to be one of the most environmentally devastating events in human history,” he said. “But I remain optimistic we will ultimately find solutions to crises such as these, in large part because of the talent I see before me today.”

He told the students: “We’re depending upon you to be the next generation of scientists, activists, and public citizens who demand that policymakers not sacrifice our environment for short term gain. We’re depending on you to help to shape the future of this planet.”

Dean David Conover and Stephanie Voss

Dean David Conover and Stephanie Voss

Congratulations 2010 SoMAS Graduates!

Bachelor of Science in Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences

Phillip Bachmann
Geoffrey Alexander Bansen
Richard Louis Castro
Keith Fetkey

Bachelor of Arts in Environmental Studies

Jeremy Aronoff
Alisha Beth Beatty
Amie Bland
John Botos

Brooke Rodgers, Dr. Bradley Peterson, Sterling Brisbin, and Chuck Wall.

Brooke Rodgers, Dr. Bradley Peterson, Sterling Brisbin, and Chuck Wall.

Geoffrey William George Bott
Amanda Budhu
Joseph Pasquale Cappetti
Noel Scott Ciota
Krista Jennifer Fischler
Seanna M. Forrester
Brianna Nicole Galbo
Jason Gayton
Shauna Elizabeth Tracy Higgins
Julie Ru Huang
Katie Anne Isabella

Dean David Conover, Deborah Aller, and Dr. Minghua Zhang

Dean David Conover, Deborah Aller, and Dr. Minghua Zhang

Katherine Mary Kennedy
Deborah Klughers
Lacey Nicole Kucerak
Jaclyn A Larose
Benjamin Varghese Matthew
Lucas Merlo
Steven Christopher Monsegur
Lauren Deborah Morales
Bruna Baia Nowinski
Jason Anthony O’Rawe
Maggie Elizabeth Seiler
Valentina Louise Sherlock
Brittany Drew Spetko
Joseph Alan Svoboda

Charles Perretti

Charles Perretti

Christie Lee Themak
Joseph Walters-Nevet
Ryan Michael Ward
Kristine Winne
Rezwana Zafar
Shane Hawkes Zellner

Bachelor of Science in Marine Sciences

Terra Wyman Dunlop
Jason Mancini Kahen
Katherine Anne Lavelle
Robert Michael Longiaru Jr.
Ashley Rose Norton
Amanda Leigh Steen

Bachelor of Science in Marine Vertebrate Biology

Lyndie Hice, Xiaodong Jiang, and Yanjuan Guo

Lyndie Hice, Xiaodong Jiang, and Yanjuan Guo

Salvatore William Agnello
Stacy Ann Assael
Tricia Bergstue
Courtney Erin Blankenship
Eric Kilmer Braen
Derek John Brumleve
Daniel Herbert Clough
Justin T. King
Colleen Melissa McNamee
Kristen Dorothy Onsgard
Kristin Denee Oppito
Paul Chester Revekant
Jennifer Robyn Rhyner
Paola Rodolfi
Caralyn Anne Schwartz
Veronica Mary Scorcia

Mickael Perrigault and Tara Duffy

Mickael Perrigault and Tara Duffy

Sarah M. Song
James Celso Telle
Stephanie Christine Vos

Master’s Degree in Marine and Atmospheric Sciences

Martin Benavides
Sterling Brisbin
Carlene Harrington
Tobias Hatten
Jennifer Hertzberg
Jesse Hornstein
Matthew Nuttal
Charles Perretti

Julie Huang and Rezwana Zafar

Julie Huang and Rezwana Zafar

Brooke Rodgers
Jaime Romany
Joy Smith
Adam Starke
Sarah Winnicki

Ph.D. Degrees in Marine and Atmospheric Sciences

Tara Duffy
Yanjuan Guo
Lyndie Hice
Xiadong Jiang
Qianqian Liu

Congratulations 2010 SoMAS graduates!

Congratulations 2010 SoMAS graduates!

Key Hong Park
Mickael Perrigault
Charles Wall III
Zhihui Wang



Photos by ‘George E. Carroll’, ‘Carol Dovi’, ‘Gina Gartin’, ‘Leslie Taylor’