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Cochran, J. Kirk

Aaron J. Beck, Matthew A. Charette, J. Kirk Cochran, Meagan E. Gonneea, Bernhard Peucker-Ehrenbrink “Dissolved strontium behavior in the subterranean estuary- Implications for the Sr isotope budget of the global ocean” Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta

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Colle, Brian

Sheffield, Justin, Andrew P. Barrett, Brian Colle, D. Nelun Fernando, Rong Fu, Kerrie L. Geil, Qi Hu et al. “North American Climate in CMIP5 Experiments. Part I: Evaluation of Historical Simulations of Continental and Regional Climatology*.” Journal of Climate 26, no. 23 (2013).

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Collier, Jackie


Fisher, Nick

Koch, Florian, Sergio A. Sañudo-Wilhelmy, Nicholas S. Fisher, and Christopher J. Gobler. “Effect of vitamins B and B 12 on bloom dynamics of the harmful brown tide alga, Aureococcus anophagefferens (Pelagophyceae).” Limnol. Oceanogr 58, no. 5 (2013): 1761-1774.

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Gobler, Chris

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Wall, C. C., Gobler, C. J., Peterson, B. J., & Ward, J. E. Contrasting Growth Patterns of Suspension-Feeding Molluscs (Mercenaria mercenaria, Crassostrea virginica, Argopecten irradians, and Crepidula fornicata) Across a Eutrophication Gradient in the Peconic Estuary, NY, USA. Estuaries and Coasts, 1-18.

Bradley J. Peterson, Eric Bricker, Sterling J. Brisbin, Bradley T. Furman, Amber D. Stubler, John M. Carroll, Dianna L. Berry, Christopher J. Gobler, Ainsley Calladine, Michelle Waycott, Genetic diversity and gene flow in Zostera marina populations surrounding Long Island, New York, USA: No evidence of inbreeding, genetic degradation or population isolation, Aquatic Botany, Volume 110, October 2013, Pages 61-66, ISSN 0304-3770,

Peterson, B. J., E. Bricker, S. J. Brisbin, B. T. Furman, A. D. Stubler, J. M. Carroll, D. L. Berry, C. J. Gobler, A. Calladine, M. Waycott. 2013. Genetic diversity and gene flow in Zostera marina populations surrounding Long Island, New York, USA: No evidence of inbreeding, genetic degradation or population isolation. Aquatic Botany 110: 61-66.

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Christopher J. Gobler, Florian Koch, Yoonja Kang, Dianna L. Berry, Ying Zhong Tang, Margaret Lasi, Linda Walters, Lauren Hall, Jan D. Miller, Expansion of harmful brown tides caused by the pelagophyte, Aureoumbra lagunensis DeYoe et Stockwell, to the US east coast, Harmful Algae, Volume 27, July 2013, Pages 29-41, ISSN 1568-9883,

Christopher J Gobler, Alexei V Lobanov, Ying-Zhong Tang, Anton A Turanov, Yan Zhang, Martina Doblin, Gordon T Taylor, et al. (2013). The central role of selenium in the biochemistry and ecology of the harmful pelagophyte, Aureococcus anophagefferens. The ISME Journal. doi:10.1038/ismej.2013.25

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Lonsdale, Darcy J.

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Lwiza, Kamazima

Gelinas, M., Bokuniewicz, H., Rapaglia, J., & Lwiza, K. M. M. (2013). Sediment Resuspension by Ship Wakes in the Venice Lagoon. Journal of Coastal Research, 29(1), 8-17. doi: 10.2112/jcoastres-d-11-00213.1

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