Information, Talks, and Publications about Atmospheres

This week’s Topics in Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences (TAOS) seminar will take place onWednesday, April 2, at 12:00 noon in Endeavour Hall 120. Dr. Cristina Archer from the College of Earth, Ocean and Environment at the University of Delaware, will present a seminar entitled “Wind Energy, Atmospheric Turbulence, and Hurricanes: How to Save Lives and Money with Wind Turbine Wake.”  Light refreshments will be served. For further information, please email

This week’s Oceans and Atmosphere Colloquium will take place on Friday, April 4, at 12:00 noon in Endeavour Hall 120. Professor Charles Stock from NOAA’s Ocean Fluid Dynamics Laboratory in Princeton, New Jersey, will present a seminar entitled, “Revisiting Ryther: the Global Transfer of Energy from Phytoplankton to Fish.” For further information, please contact Steve Ortega at 2-8781.

The Friday Weather Discussion will take place on April 4 at 4:30 p.m. in the Meteorology Laboratory, Endeavour Hall 139. Topic to be announced on day of discussion.

Faculty News

Professor Marat Khairoutdinov will be attending the American Meteorological Society’s Tropical Conference in San Diego, California from March 31 through April 4.

Student News

Thanks to all who participated in the SoMAS international potluck dinner.  Your assistance in greatly appreciated.


Faculty, staff and students are strongly encouraged to submit entries for the weekly ITPA E-newsletter. Please send your submissions to Gina Gartin at