On Tuesday, November 14, the  Evan R. Liblit Scholarship winners were formally announced at our annual Liblit Fundraiser/Scholarship Breakfast held at the Irish Coffee Pub in East Islip.  This year marks the 20th year of the Liblit Scholarship Fund.   Our two undergraduate scholars are Julia Petersen (advisor Brad Peterson) and Maria Grima (advisor Maria Brown).  Our graduate scholar is Lori Clark (advisor David Tonjes, Dept. of Technology and Society).  All three Liblit Scholars spoke impressively about their research to the audience of some 75 attendees.

Bonnie Stephens was given The Environmental Stewardship Award of Long Island Achievement of Excellence – Education for:  “Sustained excellence and the highest standards of professionalism in education for her service to the School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences at Stony Brook University, and for being simply indispensable to the success of the Evan R. Liblit Memorial Scholarship Fund since its inception 1998-2017.”

Congratulations to all honorees!

Photos from the event are available on this Google Photos album.

Maria Grima with advisor Maria Brown and Michael Cahill
 Julia Petersen with advisor Brad Peterson and Michael Cahill
Lori Clark with advisor David Tonjes, Dept. of Technology and Society, and Michael Cahill