Masters of Business Administration students Andrew Sheets, Courtney Murphy, Paul Edwards and Ying Cui from the Stony Brook University College of Business presented their final research project on the economics of ash management for the Town of Babylon today at the Stony Brook University School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences. The students were advised by School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences faculty Frank Roethel. The Town uses an incinerator to burn their garbage, which in turn creates a significant amount of ash.
Their project was to find a solution for the quickly filling ash monofill in the Town of Babylon. If the monofill closes, the Town would have to ship the ash off Long Island, at significant cost. The students found that processing the ash and recovering metals for recycling would bring in a significant amount of money and using the leftover ash as “aggregate substitute for asphalt and cement would be extremely cheaper and save local businesses and town residents money.”
Representatives from the Town of Babylon and various waste management groups were at SoMAS for the presentation, which was well-received. The students will be graded by their instructor with the advisement of Dr. Roethel.
The Town of Babylon is reportedly exploring the options suggested by the students. This project is a great example of cross-discipline project where School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences is involved. Undergraduate students can apply for a 5-year fast track MBA through the College of Business.
A full photo album is available on Google Photos. Many thanks to Kaitlin Willig for the photos.