The SoMAS photo competition is an annual event where students (graduate and undergraduate), faculty and staff share their pictures with the SoMAS community and the general public.

The Photo Competition will be divided into three categories with a single winner in each category:

1- Macro: It’s all about the detail! Photos taken with the macro option-objective of the camera as well as microscope pictures will be accepted in this category.

2- Research: Pictures taken in the field or in the laboratory will be considered in this category. For a picture to be eligible the research related to it had to take place while being a SoMAS’ member (enrolled in the school or employed as staff).

3- SoMAS spirit: Freestyle photos. Anything that embodies the spirit of SoMAS will be eligible under this category. It can include photos of SoMAS events, SoMAS personnel, campus/equipment…your choice!

The results of the SoMAS Photo Competition are in!  Event organizer and SoMAS PhD Student Sara Cernadas-Martin announced the finalists and the winners for this year’s contest!

Macro winner: Kaitlyn O’Toole

Macro finalist: Alexander Koutavas, Kaitlyn O’Toole, Julia Saviano, Tess Stundis and Victoria Uthman

All Macro photos are available on Google Photos.

Research winner: Kaitlyn O’Toole

Research finalist: Matthew Fuirst, Matt Siskey (2 photos), Kaitlyn O’Toole and Jackie Avignone

All Research photos are available on Google Photos.

Spirit winner: Karin Schweitzer

Spirit finalists: Karin Schweitzer (2 photos), Hanne Tracy, Kristofer Tuftedal and Maria Amella

All Spirit photos are available on Google Photos.

Congratulations to our finalists and winners and big thank you to everyone who participated in this year’s edition of the SoMAS Photo Competition!  Many thanks to judges Gordon Taylor, Larry Swanson, Brad Peterson and Carl Safina!

The winning photos of each category will be printed in canvas and permanently exhibited at SoMAS! The category winners will receive a $100.00 cash prize!


Time to start taking photos and getting ready for next year’s contest!