The Suffolk County Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) will be holding public hearings on the Draft Subwatersheds Wastewater Plan Generic Environmental Impact Statement on September 5 and 6 in Riverhead and Brentwood respectively.
The Sept 5 meeting is at 6:00PM at the Suffolk County Riverhead Legislative Auditorium, 300 Center drive, Riverhead
The Sept 6 meeting is at 3:00PM at Suffolk County Community College, Brentwood Campus, in the Health, Sports & Education Center Lecture Hall, Crooked Hill Road, Brentwood
All are encouraged to provide verbal or written comments on this important document, which is anticipated to have a profound impact on the future of the quality of Suffolk County’s groundwaters, surface waters, and coastal waters for the next fifty years. The DGEIS can be viewed on the CEQ’s website. More information about the authorship is available on the CEQ’s website. The same document and supporting studies are on reserve in hard copy in the MASIC library in Challenger Hall Room 165. The volumes on reserve are complete except that they don’t contain the SCCEQ edits.
Larry Swanson will be chairing the hearings.