Roxana Saravia graduated from the MCP program in 2019 and is currently working as an Interpretive Park Ranger with Fire Island National Seashore (FIIS). Her job is to ensure visitors have a positive experience while visiting the National park, share information about park resources, and aid in the conservation of the seashore. A big aspect of her job is environmental education. She conducts daily salt marsh tours where she teaches visitors about the importance of coastal wetlands, the ecological role of the salt marsh, the species that can be found within, and about some of the ongoing research to learn more about our wetlands. She also works within the “Junior Rangers” program.

Originally from Long Island, New York, Roxana graduated with a B.S. in Bioscience from SUNY Farmingdale in 2016. Her favorite part of the MCP program was all of the wonderful and knowledgeable professors she had. Some noteworthy courses were Phytoplankton ecology with Chris Gobler and Ecology of Fishes with Janet Nye, as well as the study abroad field course led by Michael Frisk and Oliver Shipley. For her internship Roxana was the Marine Invertebrates and Protected Resources Intern for the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation- Marine Resources division. Her main role was to help with the NY Horseshoe Crab Monitoring program. In her spare time, Roxana enjoys hiking and birding.