Photo Above: The team from Mount Sinai High School (back row) Coach Andrew Matthews, Katherine Fedotov, Aaron Angress, Arielle Mule, Matthew Miller, Assistant Coach Glynis Nau-ritter, (front row) Jake DeBlasio (B team) and Jonathon Jacobson.

Congratulations to Mount Sinai High School, winners of the 2020 Bay Scallop Bowl that took place on Saturday February 1st in Frey Hall on the campus of Stony Brook University!

There was a unique situation this year. Midwood High School had two teams entered in the competition this year, and in Round 9 they met in a face-off, with both teams having one loss. The Midwood A Team showed no mercy to their fellow classmates and the final score for that round was 101 to 20.

Mount Sinai went into the 10th round with no losses to face the Midwood High School A team (with one loss). The competition was fierce, and players on both teams were doing well with the buzzer questions. In the end, Midwood came from behind and took the match with a score of 44 points to Mount Sinai’s 41. With both teams having a single loss apiece, this took the competition into a rematch in the 11th Round. Once again, the scores were extremely close until the end when Mount Sinai pulled ahead and came out on top with a score of 77 to Midwood’s 49.

The team from Mt. Sinai will be heading to Long Beach/Gulport, Mississippi for the national competition and each player receives $250! The second place winners will receive $100 each and the Sportsmanship Award goes to the school from Connecticut, Bridgeport Aquaculture!

Congratulations to all of the teams that participated this year!

Many thanks to everyone who was a part of this wonderful event. Even if you feel your part was small, it truly takes a village to pull this together and every one was a necessary piece of this fun filled day! Special thanks go to the organizers of the event, without whom we would not be able to host: Kim Knoll, Kaitlin Willig-Giglio, Alex Sneddon and Ping Liu. Thank you also to Chris Paparo, our Marine Sciences Center Manager from Southampton, who gave a presentation “From Plankton to Whales – Why our Local Waters are Worth Protecting” and Joseph Dlhopsky, the volunteer photographer for the Bay Scallop Bowl who has worked with Kim Knoll since she started with the competition 17 years ago!

This event is hosted by the School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences with the support from the following sponsors: the Alfred and Jane Ross Foundation,, New York Sea Grant, the Institute for Ocean Conservation Science, The Safina Center, and Dr. and Mrs. Robert (Larry) Swanson. An event of this magnitude wouldn’t be possible without their support.

Photos of the event by Joseph Dlhopolsky are available on Google Photos.

Download the Bay Scallop Bowl 2020 Program (PDF)