The Stony Brook University – School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences and the Evan R. Liblit Memorial Scholarship Fund Committee is pleased to announce Waste on Wednesdays,” a six-part free webinar series focusing on a number of environmental issues impacting Long Island.

The management of solid waste generated on Long Island is an important issue and has significant ramifications on the economy and the environment.  Each seminar series will allow participants to learn about various solid waste and recycling issues across Long Island.  Topics will include the pending closure of the Brookhaven Landfill, recycling on Long Island, the management of organic waste, transportation issues, and waste to energy.  Plus, we will get the perspectives of local government and discuss what municipalities and companies are doing to meet these challenges.  The series will provide excellent insight and perspective, and will benefit all those who work in the fields of environmental protection, recycling, and waste management.  Webinars are scheduled for:

DATE                           TIME                                          SUBJECT

July 22, 2020        11 am to 12 noon      The pending closure of the Brookhaven Landfill

Aug. 5, 2020        11 am to 12 noon      The State of Recycling on Long Island

Aug. 19, 2020       11 am to 12 noon      Municipal update on solid waste and recycling

Sept. 16, 2020      11 am to 12 noon      Managing food waste and other organics on Long Island

Sept. 30, 2020      11 am to 12 noon      Transportation – Moving waste around and off Long Island

Oct. 14, 2020       11 am to 12 noon      Waste to Energy on Long Island

A playlist of Waste on Wednesday seminars is available on the SoMAS YouTube channel:


Webinar #1 – The Pending Closure of the Brookhaven Landfill – will be held on Wednesday, July 22, 2020 from 11 am to 12 noon.  Eric Swenson will serve as the host of the seminar and will be joined by Christopher Andrade, Commissioner of the Department of Recycling and Sustainable Materials Management in the Town of Brookhaven and Michael White, Vice Chairman of the Long Island Regional Planning Council.  The panel will discuss the pending closure of the Brookhaven Landfill and the impact to Long Island.

The webinar will be hosted on Zoom at this link:

Meeting ID:      977 4196 3571
Password:         030164

You may dial into the call using the One Tap mobile
+16468769923,,97741963571# US (New York)
+13126266799,,97741963571# US (Chicago)

This is a FREE webinar.  Please save the dates of the other upcoming events using this Google Calendar link.