Dear SoMAS Friends/Colleagues:
I am writing to encourage you to be part of Stony Brook University’s annual Giving Day!
As part of Giving Day, you can directly support SoMAS – a University leader in the areas of education, research, and public service regarding the oceans and atmosphere, their interactions, the life systems they support, how human systems impact them, and how these systems can be more sustainable. As you know, we work hard to develop and communicate innovative solutions to the environmental problems of society at local, regional, national, and global scales.
SoMAS and its faculty, staff, and students have been very significantly challenged and impacted by the coronavirus pandemic, and we need your help now more than ever to sustain our role as a world leader for understanding the impact of human behavior on our marine, atmospheric and terrestrial environments.
Your gift to the SoMAS Total Immersion Scholarship allows high school students with financial need and who are interested in degrees in marine sciences, atmospheric sciences, or sustainability studies to spend part of the summer experiencing the fantastic opportunities in these fields.
Your support of the Bay Scallop Bowl will help Stony Brook University organize the regional competition for the National Ocean Science Bowl, whose objective is to raise awareness and understanding of the oceans and coastal resources among the nation’s high school students.
Your gift to the New York State Center for Clean Water Technology will help fund our research to develop novel and affordable approaches for nutrient and contaminant removal from Long Island waters.
Your gift, no matter the amount, will make a difference!
Thank you for your support of SoMAS!
Paul Shepson
Dean, School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences
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