Nolan’s capstone study, a New York State Marine Aquaculture 2020 Prospectus, included a comprehensive review of both the history of shellfish and aquaculture in New York and recent policy events that have direct implications on commercial aquaculture in New York. In the Summer of 2020, two major policy events were underway: an executive order was issued with the intent of accelerating domestic offshore aquaculture and the development of a 10-year review of Suffolk County’s Shellfish Aquaculture Lease Program. Additionally, Nolan participated in the County’s lease program, operating as a restorative shellfish farm in 2020. He was able to use the insights he gained from first-hand experiences with environmental regulators, legislators, and local shellfish hatcheries in conjunction with his analysis of the current policy decisions taking place locally and nationally in the development of this prospectus. Automation, sustainability, and globalization were important factors considered while developing the prospectus. For more information about the shellfish farm Nolan founded, click here.