The SoMAS photo competition is an annual event where students (graduate and undergraduate), faculty and staff share their pictures with the SoMAS community and the general public.

The categories represent our SoMAS diversity and showcase the representation of our three divisions. The Photo Competition is divided into four categories with a single winner in each category:

Marine: Any photos taken while performing research associated with the SoMAS Division of Marine Science or related to Marine science

Atmospheric: Any photos taken while performing research associated with the SoMAS Division of Atmospheric Science or related to Atmospheric Science.

Sustainability: Any photos taken while performing research associated with the SoMAS Division of Sustainability or related to Sustainability Science.

SoMAS spirit: Freestyle photos. Anything that embodies the spirit of SoMAS will be eligible under this category. It can include photos of SoMAS events, SoMAS personnel, campus/equipment, marine fauna/flora, seascapes, sunsets on the ocean…your choice!

The results of the 2021 SoMAS Photo Competition are in! Event organizer and SoMAS Senior Postdoctoral Associate Sara Cernadas-Martin announced the finalists and the winners for this year’s contest!

Sydney Bell	Scuba diving over the reefs in Bonaire, Bonaire, March 2020

Marine winner: Sydney Bell

Marine finalists: Elizabeth Salzman, Sydney Bell (2 photos!) and Jeffrey Levington

All Marine photos are available on Google Photos.

Winning photos in the Marine category
Xiaoning Wu	 A curious cloud (Lenticular?) over topography, taken in January 2021 while on a research visit to Boulder, CO.

Atmospheric winner: Xiaoning Wu

Atmospheric finalists: Sophia LoCascio, Kristian Hajny (2 photos!) and Julia Marcantonio

All Atmospheric photos are available on Google Photos.

Winning photos in the Atmospheric category
Xiaoning Wu	Smokes from the wildfires in the Rocky Mountains, October 2020.

Sustainability winner: Xiaoning Wu

Sustainability finalists: Jessica Gries and Maria Grima (2 photos!)

All Sustainability photos are available on Google Photos.

Winning photos in the Sustainability category
Lisa Crawford's photo of the deck of the R/V Seawolf at sunset.

Spirit winner: Lisa Crawford

Spirit finalists: Madison Muehl (2 photos!), Roy Price and Maria Grima

All Spirit photos are available on Google Photos.

Winning photos in the Spirit category

Congratulations to our finalists and winners and big thank you to everyone who participated in this year’s edition of the SoMAS PhotoCompetition as well as to our judges Paul Shepson, Gordon Taylor, Ping Liu, Katherine Aubrecht and Carl Safina!

The winning photos of each category will be printed in canvas and permanently exhibited at SoMAS! The category winners will receive a $100.00 cash prize!

Time to start taking photos and getting ready for next year’s contest!