With excerpts from Campus and Community Celebrate First CommUniversity Day on SBU Happenings, September 26, 2017.
Stony Brook University launched a new campus tradition, CommUniversity Day, on Saturday, September 23, 2017. On a beautiful fall day, more than 200 University faculty, staff and students volunteered their time to share some of their areas of the campus with the community. Families, friends and neighbors enjoyed exploring roughly 80 interactive exhibits during the four-hour event.
In his address, President Stanley acknowledged several milestones for the campus, including the 20th anniversary of the Center for India Studies, the 40th anniversary of WUSB radio, and the 50thanniversaries of Stony Brook Hillel, SBU Concerts and the School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences. Cupcakes were distributed to mark the University’s 60th year.
SoMAS was well represented at the event, with exhibits of oceanographic equipment set up by Tom Wilson and Helen Wilson, including the chance to examine a large piece of brain coral and check out a variety of sand samples under the microscope. Donna Selch had two different drones on display and several GIS projects looping on a monitor. Christina Ozelis, David Taylor, Arlene Cassidy and Tara Rider spoke to students, potential students and families about our educational programs. Maureen Murphy brought the Mercury and Seafood display, rounding out a great variety of exhibits to attract visitors. We even had participants take their photo as a shark!
Many thanks to the volunteers who helped make the SoMAS presence a success!
Additional photos are available on the CommUniversity Day website.
Photos below by Mark Lang and Donna Selch are available on Google Photos.