Radiative Transfer and Global Climate Change
A Symposium in Honor of Professor Robert Cess’
Service to Stony Brook University
April 5, 2002
* For further information, please contact Gina Gartin at (631) 632-8009
9:20 am | Welcoming RemarksDr. Marvin Geller, Dean and Director of MSRC |
9:30 am | Invited Lecture“Aerosols, Radiation, and Global Climate” |
Dr. V. Ramanathan, Scripps Institution for Oceanography
10:30 am Break
11:00 am Invited Lecture
“Climate modeling: past, present, future, and the impact of the FANGIO project”
Dr. Warren Washington, National Center for Climate Research
12:30 pm Lunch Break
2:30 pm Robert Cess as an Academic Mentor
Dr. Yaping Zhao, National Center for Climate Prediction
Dr. Xiaodu Jing
Dr. Minghang Chen, Commercial Risk Capital Markets, Bermuda
Dr. Yongseung Kim, Korea Aerospace Research Institute
Dr. Rose Dlhopolsky, Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut
Dr. David Kratz, NASA Langley Research Center
Dr. Barbara Carlson, Goddard Institute for Space Studies
Dr. Harshvardhan, Purdue University
Dr. V. Ramanathan, Scripps Institute of Oceanography
Dr. Donald E. Aylor, The Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station
Mr. Sheo Kumar Khetan, Anadigics, Inc.
Dr. Surendra Nath Tiwari, Old Dominion University
3:45 pm Break
4:15 pm Robert Cess as an Academic Colleague
Dr. James Tasi, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Dr. Edward E O’Brien, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Dr. Linshu Wang, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Dr. Fupen Chiang, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Dr. Duane Waliser, Marine Sciences Research Center
Dr. Sultan Hameed, Marine Sciences Research Center
5:00 pm Closing Remarks
6:00 pm Dinner Port Jefferson Country Club at Harbor Hills