


Robert L. de Zafra

6th ITPA Student Symposium

May 8, 2009, 9am – 4pm

Endeavour Hall , Room 120


9:00 am
Professor Minghua Zhang, Director
Institute for Terrestrial and Planetary Atmospheres (ITPA)
9:10 am
Xiaoming Xia
Idealized Storm Track Model Experiments
9:30 am
Zhihui Wang
Reconstruction of Atmospheric CO from Antarctic Ice Core
9:50 am
Bingbing Wang
The Effect of Organic Material on Heterogeneous Ice Nucleation
10:10 am
Hua Song
The Role of SST in the Asia Summer Monsoon Changes
10:30 am
10:45 am
Joseph Pollina
Fire Weather Events Over the Northeast U.S.: Structural Evolution and Verification of Short-Range Atmospheric Ensembles
11:05 am
Keyhong Park
Joint Application of Concentrations and Isotopic Signatures to Investigate the Global Atmospheric Carbon Monoxide Budget: Inverse Modeling Approach
11:25 am
John Murray
A Spatial Climatology of Convection in the Northeast U.S.
11:45 am
Lunch Break (lunch on your own)
1:15 pm
Kelly Lombardo
The Evolution of Organized Convection Over the Northeast U.S. and its Modification by the Terrain and Marine Environment
1:35 pm
Yanjuan Guo
How Strong are the Southern Hemisphere Storm Tracks?
1:55 pm
Jie Gong
Convective and Spontaneous Adjustment Sources for Gravity Waves in the U.S. High-Vertical Resolution Radiosonde Data
2:15 pm
Tracey Evans
Thalassiosira pseudonana Phytoplankton Scourge of the Sea
2:35 pm
Michael Erickson
Evaluation and Post Processing of Quantitative Precipitation Forecasts
2:55 pm
Owen Doherty
Mineral Dust Transport and the ITCZ

3:15 pm
Thomas DiLiberto
Verification of a Coupled ADCIRC/WRF-MM5 Storm Surge Model for a Past Hurricane Event for New York City-Long Island

3:35 pm
Concluding Remarks
Professor Robert L. De Zafra
