Robert L. de Zafra4th ITPA Student SymposiumMay 17, 2007, 9am – 3:30pm Endeavour Hall , Room 120 |
9:00 am
Welcome by Professor Minghua Zhang, Director of ITPA | |
9:10 am
Xiaoming Xia How storm tracks response to global warming? |
9:30 am
Zhihui Wang Records of δ13C, δ18O and Concentration of Atmospheric CO Since the Pre-industrial Time as Recorded in Snow and Ice |
9:50 am
Hua Song Changes of the Tropical Atmospheric Circulation in the Warmer Climate |
10:10 am
Keyhong Park Application of Isotopes and Concentration of CO to Investigate the Global Budget of Atmospheric Carbon Monoxide |
10:30 am
Break | |
10:50 am
Joseph Olson Three-Dimensional Idealized Simulations of Barrier Jets Along the Southeastern Coast of Alaska |
11:10 am
David Novak An Investigation of Cold-Season Precipitation Bands within Northeast U.S. Cyclones and their Prediction |
11:30 am
Yanluan Lin Evaluation of BMPs and development of a new scheme |
11:50 am
Yilin Li Interannual Variability of U.S. West Coast and Alaska Winter Precipitation and Temperature |
12:10 pm
Yue Li Impact of Hurricanes on Cloud Radiative Forcing over Tropical Oceans |
12:30 pm
Lunch Break | |
1:30 pm
Jae Lee The Northern Annular Mode in Summer and its Relation to Solar Activity Variations in the GISS Model E |
1:50 pm
Yanjuan Guo Is the number of North Atlantic Tropical Cyclones significantly underestimated Prior to the Availability of Satellite Observations? |
2:10 pm
Jie Gong Gravity Wave Sources |
2:30 pm
Tracey Evans Study of Long-Chained (C6 and up) Hydrocarbon Produced from Thalassiosira pseudonana Phytoplankton |
2:50 pm
Owen Doherty Interannual Variability of Intercontinental Transport of Saharan Mineral Dust |
3:10 pm
Concluding Remarks by Professor Robert De Zafra |