E-Newsletter Vol. 6 No. 1, January 25 – 31, 2004

Information, Talks, and Publications about Atmospheres

Welcome back and Happy New Year! The Spring 2004 semester officially begins on Monday, January 26, 2004. Our first TAOS seminar speaker will be Dr. Robert Pincus from the NOAA-CIRES Climate Diagnostics Center, Boulder, Colorado. Dr. Pincus will present a seminar entitled, “Representing cloud sub-gridscale variability in large-scale models” on Wednesday, January 28 at 11:30 a.m. in Endeavour 120. The full semester schedule of TAOS seminars can be found at http://atmos.msrc.sunysb.edu/npages/taos.html.

Friday Weather Discussions will resume on January 30th at 3:30 p.m. in Endeavour 139. The second half of the National Forecast Contest begins on Monday, January 26, with Binghamton, NY (BGM).

The Petra M. Udelhofen Memorial Scholarship Fundraising Committee wishes to thank everyone who supported the fundraising raffle at the holiday party. This event was a hugh success and thanks to your generosity, we raised an additional $250 for the fund. We are very close to our goal of $10,000 and hope to raise the remaining $1,300 this semester. Watch for upcoming events!

Faculty News

Professor John Mak traveled to Iceland on January 21 to set up a third air sampling station as part of his NSF-funded 14CO project for determining the global oxidation potential of the troposphere. Coupled with the station run by the Max Plank Institute in Mainz and the two stations run by the New Zealanders, there are six stations providing global coverage. The National Science Foundation is providing support for half of the stations which belong to Professor Mak (in Samoa, Hawaii, and Iceland). Professor Mak also participated in the NCAR Isotope Applications Workshop in Boulder, Colorado from January 13-15.

Professors Brian Colle, Edmund Chang and Duane Waliser, along with students Matt Jones and Mike Charles, attended the AMS annual meeting in Seattle from January 11-16. Presentations were given on “Ensemble Modeling Over the Northeast” and “Microphysical Verification and Sensitivity Studies within the MM5” in the NWP conference, “Squall Line Evolution Approaching NYC” in the Urban Conference, and “Simulations of Tropical Storm Floyd (1999)” in the Sanders Symposium. In addition, Professor Chang presented a talk entitled, “Using Collocated Observations to Assess Secular Trends in the Quality of Observations and Reanalysis Data.”

Professor Brian Colle recently had two papers appear in the AMS journals:

Colle, B.A., 2003: Numerical Simulations of the Extratropical Transition of Floyd (1999): Structural Evolution and Responsible Mechanisms for the Heavy Rainfall over the Northeast United States. Mon. Wea. Rev., 131, 2905-2926.

Stoelinga, M., P.V.Hobbs, C.F. Mass, B.A. Colle, and co-authors, 2003: Improvement of Microphysical Parameterization Through Observational Verification Experiment, Bull. Amer. Soc, 84, 1807-1826.

Professor Edmund Chang recently had published:

Harnik and Chang 2004: The effects of variations of jet width on the growth of baroclinic waves: Implications for midwinter Pacific storm track variability. J. Atmos. Sci., 61, 23-40. The paper can be downloaded from http://ams.allenpress.com/pdfserv/i1520-0469-061-01-0023.pdf

Professor Duane Waliser’s recent publications (http://terra.msrc.sunysb.edu) include:

Waliser, D. E., R. Murtugudde, and L. Lucas, 2003: Indo-Pacific Ocean Response to Atmospheric Intraseasonal Variability. Part II: Boreal Summer and the Intraseasonal Oscillation, J. Geoph. Res. – Oceans, In Press.

Waliser, D., S. Schubert, A. Kumar, K. Weickmann, and R. Dole, 2003: Proceedings from a workshop on “Modeling, Simulation and Forecasting of Subseasonal Variability”, 4-5 June 2003, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, NASA/CP 2003-104606, vol. 25, pp. 62.

Jones, C., D. E. Waliser, K. M. Lau, and W. Stern, 2003: The Madden-Julian Oscillation and its Impact on Northern Hemisphere Weather Predictability, Mon. Wea. Rev., In press.

Jones, C., L. M. V. Carvalho, R. W. Higgins, D. E. Waliser, and J.-K. E. Schemm, 2003: Statistical Forecast Skill of Tropical Intraseasonal Convective Anomalies, J. Climate, In Press.

Student News

Two ITPA students recently defended their Ph.D. thesis proposals:

Sandy Lucas, “Mechanisms Governing Sea Surface Temperature Anomalies in the Eastern Tropical Pacific Ocean Associated with Atmospheric Intraseasonal Variability” and Jingbo Wu, “Study on the Physical Basis of the Frontal Cloud Parameterizations for the Community Atmospheric Model”.

Employment Opportunities

A Visiting Scientist position is available in the Coast Survey Development Laboratory (CSDL), National Ocean Service, NOAA, Silver Spring, MD. Application deadline is March 1, 2004. Details may be found at http://www.vsp.ucar.edu or on the ITPA bulletin board in Endeavour Hall.

The School of Meteorology at the University of Oklahoma invites applications for a tenured or tenure-track faculty position at the Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor level to begin service in the academic year 2004-05. This position is part of a new university initiative which has the goal of developing an internationally preeminent program in radar meteorology, in collaboration with Federal and corporate sponsors. Details may be found on the ITPA bulletin board or you may contact Professor Howard B. Bluestein, Search Committee Chair, at hblue@ou.edu.


An emergency blood drive is scheduled for Monday, January 26 from 8:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in Endeavour Hall 120. If you would like to donate, please contact Katerina in the Main Office at 2-8781.

Page last modified on Saturday, January 24, 2004 by George E. Carroll

E-Newsletter Vol. 6 No. 2, February 1 – 7, 2004

Information, Talks, and Publications about Atmospheres

Please join us at the TAOS seminar on Wednesday, February 4 at 11:30 a.m. in Endeavour 120. This week’s speaker, Katarzyna Niewiadomska, from the Webb Research Corporation, E. Falmouth, MA, will present a seminar entitled,”The Slocum Gliders: A Technological Evolution.”

Due to weather conditions, the TAOS seminar speaker for January 28, Robert Pincus, will present his seminar entitled, “Representing Cloud Sub-Gridscale Variability in Large-Scale Models” on February 18.

As a reminder, the Friday Weather Discussion Group meets on February 6 at 3:30 p.m. in Endeavour 139.

Faculty News

Professor Brian Colle will be in Boulder, CO from February 2-4 to attend the US Weather Research Program’s workshop on wintertime precipitation forecasting. During this meeting, a five year plan will be developed to improve our understanding of precipitation mechanisms and forecasting techniques.

Congratulations to Professor Marvin Geller who has been elected as a Fellow of the American Geophysical Union. Professor Geller was President of the AGU Atmospheric Sciences section from 2000-2002.

Distinguished Professor Cindy Lee has been voted in as President-Elect of the Ocean Sciences Section of AGU. She will serve a two-year term as President-Elect and then become President in two years. Congratulations Cindy!

Student News

Graduate Student Summer Program in Earth System Science: The Goddard Space Flight Center’s Earth Sciences Directorate, in collaboration with the Goddard Earth Sciences and Technology Center with headquarters at the University of Maryland, Baltimore, is offering a limited number of graduate student research opportunities. The program is scheduled to begin on June 7. Application deadline is March 1. Additional information can be found at http://gest.umbc.edu/student_opp/2004_gssp.html


Tuesday, February 24, is Stony Brook Day in Albany. Dean David Conover invites faculty, staff and students to join him for this one-day bus trip. If interested, please contact Katerina in the Main Office at 2-8781 for details.

Bill Wise is in need of volunteers to assist at the NY Region Ocean Sciences Bowl on Saturday, February 28, at the Student Activities Center. If you would like to volunteer, please contact Kim Knoll at 2-8656 or at kknoll@notes.cc.sunysb.edu.


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Page last modified on Friday, January 30, 2004 by George E. Carroll

E-Newsletter Vol. 6 No. 3, February 8 – 14, 2004

Information, Talks, and Publications about Atmospheres

This week’s TAOS speaker, Gavin Schmidt, from the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies, will present a seminar entitled, “Natural Forcing of Climate Change in the Pre-Industrial Period.” The seminar will take place on February 11 at 11:30 a.m. in Endeavour 120.

The Friday Weather Discussion group will meet on February 13 at 3:30 in Endeavour 139.

Faculty News

Professor Marvin Geller’s testimony before the US Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation regarding recent scientific activities concerning climate change impacts has been postponed due to the closing of the Senate buildings. He will testify at a later date.

Student News

The Petra M. Udelhofen Memorial Scholarship Fundraising Committee will hold a Valentine’s Day candy sale beginning on Wednesday. Tables will be set up in Endeavour Hall just outside of room 120 from February 11 through 13, 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Please stop by and purchase something for your valentine!


The University is planning a celebration, “EarthStock,” for Earth Day on Thursday, April 22. Earthstock will take place at the Wang Center with Dr. Richard Leakey as the speaker. There will be live music, free food, and workshops throughout the day. We need ideas for displays as well as volunteers to assist at this event. For further information, please contact Larry Swanson or Bonnie Stephens at 2-8704.


Page last modified on Friday, February 6, 2004 by George E. Carroll

E-Newsletter Vol. 6 No. 4, February 15 – 21, 2004

Information, Talks, and Publications about Atmospheres

This week’s TAOS seminar speaker, Robert Pincus, will present a seminar entitled, “Representing Cloud Sub-Gridscale Variability in Large Scale Models.” Dr. Pincus is from the NOAA-CIRES Climate Diagnostics Center in Boulder, Colorado. The seminar will take place on Feb. 18 at 11:30 in Endeavour 120.

The Friday Weather Discussion group will meet on February 20 at 3:30 p.m. in Endeavour 139.

Dean David Conover is this week’s Oceans and Atmospheres Colloquium speaker. His seminar entitled, ” Darwinian Fishery Science: Lessons from the Atlantic Silverside” is scheduled for February 20 at 12:30 p.m. in Endeavour 120.

Faculty News

Duane Waliser will be giving an invited talk at the International Asian Monsoon Symposium (IAMS). The meeting is co-sponsored by the International Pacific Research Center (IPRC) and the Frontier Research System for Global Change (FRSGC) and will be held 18-20 February 2004 at the East-West Center, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu.

Student News

The Petra M. Udelhofen Memorial Scholarship Fundraising Committee wishes to thank the supporters of this year’s Valentine’s Day candy sale. Thanks to your generosity, we raised a total of $140.50.

The first annual Robert L. deZafra Student Symposium will be held on Friday, April 16, at the Wang Center. All ITPA graduate students are required to present a 15-20 minute oral presentation of his/her current research interests and/or activities. Additional details regarding this symposium will be provided through a website that is currently being developed.


In observance of President’s Day, the Main Office will be closed Monday, February 16.

Ocean Sciences Bowl training sessions have been scheduled for

February 17 from 10:00 to 11:00 a.m.,
February 18 from 3:00 to 4:00 p.m. and 6:00 to 7:00 p.m.
February 23 from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon
February 24 from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m.

Volunteers should contact Paula Rose at prose@ic.sunysb.edu to sign up for one training session.


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Page last modified on Friday, February 13, 2004 by George E. Carroll

E-Newsletter Vol. 6 No. 5, February 22 – 28, 2004

Information, Talks, and Publications about Atmospheres

This week’s TAOS seminar speaker, Kenneth Johnson from the Eastern Region Headquarters of the National Weather Service, will present a seminar entitled, “The National Weather Service and the Value of University Partnerships.”   Please join us for his seminar on Wednesday, February 25 at 11:30 a.m. in Endeavour 120.

Professor Robert Aller is this week’s Oceans and Atmospheres Colloquium speaker.   He will present his seminar, “Coupling Between Sedimentary Dynamics, Diagenetic Processes, and Biogeochemical Cycling in Tropical Deltaic Systems,” on Friday, February 27 at 12:30 p.m. in Endeavour 120.

The Friday Weather Discussion group will meet on February 27 at 3:30 p.m. in Endeavour 139.

Faculty News

Bob de Zafra has returned from a quick trip to Italy to work with Giovanni Muscari (MSRC/ITPA PhD, 2001), assisting him to set up a millimeter-wave stratospheric spectrometer at a new site in the Italian Alps. “It is right under the shadow of the Matterhorn, and quite literally on the Italian-Swiss border – our sleeping quarters are in Italy, and the front door in Switzerland” said Bob. It is all at the top of an extensive cable-car and winter sports complex, at an altitude of about 3500 meters (11,500 ft) with marvelous views in all directions. The goal of the new observations from this location will be to provide ground-truthing and correlative measurements for NASA’s new Microwave Limb Sounder instrument to be launched in June of 2004, and for European satellites dedicated to atmospheric studies. Giovanni Muscari has been with the Physics Department at the University of Rome (La Sapienza) since completing his degree at Stony Brook. He and Bob have carried out stratospheric trace gas observations at Thule Greenland in the winters of 2002 and 2003, as well as doing earlier work together in Antarctica which furnished material for Giovanni’s thesis.

Professor Brian Colle will be at NASA-GISS Monday and Tuesday for a workshop to design the Urban Atmospheric Observatory (UAO) for NYC, which is a multi-agency effort to setup an instrumental testbed in midtown Manhattan and model the local weather for atmospheric transport and diffusion. The central goal is to provide accurate, real-time observations and models to the NYC Office of Emergency Management.

The Office of the Vice President for Research has agreed to offer a one-hour grant writing workshop at MSRC in March.   If you are interested in attending the workshop, please e-mail Minghua Zhang (mzhang@notes.cc.sunysb.edu) with your preferred dates and times.

Announcement and Call for Abstracts:   Open Science Conference – “Climate Change in High Latitudes,” Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research, Bergen, Norway.   September 1-3, 2004.    For details, please see the ITPA bulletin board or www.bjerknes.uib.no/conference2004.

President Kenny is calling for proposals for the 2004 SBU/BNL Seed Grant Program to strenghten the programmatic links between the two institutions.   Information can be found athttp://www.sunysb.edu/bnl/rfp.html.

Student News

The Petra M. Udelhofen Memorial Scholarship Fundraising Committee is pleased to announce the winner of this year’s raffle in connection with their Valentine’s Day candy sale.   Congratulations to Philip Locicero, the winner of the 3-foot hero donated by St. James Colonial Deli.


This week’s Ocean Science Bowl training sessions will be held on February 23 from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon, and on February 24 from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m.   Volunteers may sign up for a session by contacting Paula Rose at prose@ic.sunysb.edu.

As a reminder, Stony Brook Day in Albany, is scheduled for February 24.    If you would like to register for the bus trip, you may do so at http://www.stonybrook.edu/albany or contact Pat Cruso at 2-4309.


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Page last modified on Friday, February 20, 2004 by George E. Carroll

E-Newsletter Vol. 6 No. 6, February 29 – March 6, 2004

Information, Talks, and Publications about Atmospheres

Two TAOS seminars have been scheduled for this week.    Walter Robinson from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, will present a seminar entitled, “Negative Viscosity Redux:   Jets, Annular Variability and Eddy Generation.”   This seminar takes place on Monday, March 1 at 2:00 p.m. in Endeavour 120.

On March 3 at 11:30 a.m. in Endeavour 120 , Beate Liepert from the Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University, Palisades, NY, will present a seminar entitled,   “Observed Reduction in Surface Solar Radiation in the Last Decades and Consequences for the Water Cycle.”

Professor Gordon Taylor is this week’s Oceans and Atmospheres Colloquium speaker on March 5 at 12:30 p.m. in Endeavour 120. He will present a seminar entitled, “Microbial Carbon Transformations in the Cariaco Basin:   The Pivotal Role of Planktonic Chemoautotrophs.”

The Friday Weather Discussion group will meet on March 5 at 3:30 p.m. in Endeavour 139.

Faculty News

Please mark your calendars for the next MSRC faculty meeting on Friday, March 12 at 9:00 a.m. in Endeavour 120.

A grant writing workshop offered by Martin Schoonen and Peter Saal from the Office of the VP for Research will be held in Endeavour 120 on March 17 from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. Lunch will be provided.Class size is limited. Please contact Kris Duryea at kduryea@notes.cc.sunysb.edu or at 2-9347 to register.

On March 3, Professor Marvin Geller will testify before the US Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation regarding recent   scientific activities concerning climate change impacts.


News from the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR):

UCAR is recruiting postdoctoral scientists and short-term senior visitors to work in Princeton, New Jersey at NOAA’s Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory as part of the Climate Change Research Initiative. Application deadline is May 15.

The UCAR Visiting Scientist Programs is recruiting a scientist for a position at the National Ice Center   (NIC) located just outside of Washington DC in Suitland, MD. The NIC mission is to provide near real time support to vessels operating in ice infested waters and to synoptically monitor the ice cover of the polar seas and the Great Lakes.   Screening of applications beings on May 15.

UCAR has signed a collaborative agreement with the Chinese Meteorological Administration (CMA), forming a pilot program designed to provide training to Chinese PhD students.   Students will study for a limited period of time in the US at a university or federal laboratory.

Additional information can be found on the ITPA bulletin board or at http://vsp.ucar.edu.


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Page last modified on Saturday, February 28, 2004 by George E. Carroll

E-Newsletter Vol. 6 No. 7, March 7 – 13, 2004

Information, Talks, and Publications about Atmospheres

Please join us for this week’s TAOS seminar on March 10 at 11:30 a.m. in Endeavour 120. Dr. Changsheng Chen from the School for Marine and Technology, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, will present a seminar entitled, ” An Unstructured Grid, Finite-Volume Coastal Ocean Model: Validation and Application.”

This week’s Oceans and Atmospheres Colloquium speaker, Dr. Martin Manning from NOAA, will present a seminar entitled, “Assessing the Science of Climate Change: The Interface Between Science and Policy” on March 12 at 12:30 p.m. in Endeavour 120.

The Friday Weather Discussion group will meet on March 12 at 3:30 p.m. in Endeavour 139. Topic to be announced.

Faculty News

Minghua Zhang will be in Boulder, CO on March 8-10 to participate in the Atmospheric Model Working Group meeting.

The next MSRC faculty meeting will take place on Friday, March 12 at 9:00 a.m. in Endeavour 120.

New sabbatical leave request forms are now available athttp://www.sunysb.edu/provost/Forms/Sabbatical.htm. Sabbatical leave requests submitted after May 1 must be on the new form.

University Senate President, Brent Lindquist, is seeking to fill University Senate positions that will become available at the end of this semester. Additional details may be found on the Senate webpage,http://naples.cc.sunysb.edu/Admin/usenate.nsf

Student News

Thanks to the generosity of Bob and Patsy Cess, the Petra M. Udelhofen Memorial Scholarship Fundraising Committee has reached its ” initial goal” of $10,000. Fundraising efforts are still underway to ensure that this important scholarship is awarded annually. Please mark your calendars and watch for information regarding this year’s bake sale on March 30.

As a reminder, information regarding the April 16 ITPA student symposium can be found athttp://terra.msrc.sunysb.edu/itpasymp/

Professor John Mak’s student, Greg Isaac, is interested in obtaining a tutor for ATM 102, Weather and Climate. If you are an upper division undergrad/grad student in good standing who is comfortable with tutoring someone in this class, please contact Greg at gisaac@notes.cc.sunysb.edu.


The Western Connecticut State University in Danbury has an immediate adjunct opening for anyone interested in teaching courses in their undergraduate meteorological program. This may very likely lead to a full-time opening in September. For further information, please contact Professor Rob Eisensen at (203) 837-8989.

Bill Wise wishes to thank all those who participated in the 2004 Bay Scallop Bowl. Special thanks to Kim Knoll and Paula Rose who did an outstanding job coordinating this event. This year’s winning team, the Bronx High School of Science, will compete in the National Ocean Sciences Bowl finals held in Charleston, SC in late April.

Special thanks to Darcy Lonsdale and Shelagh Palma for coordinating this year’s SEFA/United Way campaign. MSRC was the second highest department or adminstrative unit in contributing money to this year’s effort. Thanks to all those who participated.


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Page last modified on Friday, March 5, 2004 by George E. Carroll

E-Newsletter Vol. 6 No. 8, March 14 – 20, 2004

Information, Talks, and Publications about Atmospheres

Please join us for this week’s TAOS seminar on March 17 at 11:30 a.m. in Endeavour 120. Mingfang Ting, from the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University, will present a seminar entitled, “Stationary Wave Responses to Global Warming in Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Models.”

This week’s Oceans and Atmospheres Colloquium speaker, Susan Ford, from the Haskins Shellfish Laboratory at Rutgers University, will present a seminar entitled, “Diseases of Marine Molluscs: Exotic Pathogens, Exotic Hosts, and Climate” on March 19 at 12:30 p.m. in Endeavour 120.

The Friday Weather Discussion Group will meet on March 19 at 3:30 p.m. in Endeavour 139. Topic to be announced.

Faculty News

There will be an MSRC faculty meeting on Monday, March 15 at 9:00 a.m. in Endeavour 120. Adjunct faculty and post-docs are encouraged to attend.

As a reminder, the grant writing workshop offered by the Office of the VP for Research will be held in Endeavour 120 on March 17 from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. Lunch will be provided.

The following paper by Professor Brian Colle can be found in the March issue of the Journal of Atmospheric Science: Colle, B.A., 2004. Sensitivity of Orographic Precipitation to Changing Ambient Conditions and Terrain Geometries: An Idealized Modeling Perspective, J. Atmos. Sci., 61, 588-606.

Student News

Volunteers are needed for the Udelhofen Scholarship Fund’s bake sale on March 30. Please see the sign-up sheet near the mailroom for additional information.

Please be aware that proposal defense committees must be approved by the Graduate Programs Committee and the Graduate Programs Director, who then submits it to the Graduate School. Requests for approval of proposal defense committees must be submitted to the Educational Programs Office three weeks prior to the proposal defense.

Congratulations to Gabrielle Dorr, one of 25 outstanding environmental studies students selected nationwide to receive a $1,000 scholarship from the Environmental Studies Scholarship Program of the “Annie’s Homegrown” corporation. Additional information about this scholarship can be found athttp://www.annies.com/programs/ess.html


Dean David Conover invites the MSRC community to attend the first alumni reception in Manhattan on April 30 from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. For further information and to RSVP (by March 16), please contact Katerina in the main office at 2-8781.

Special thanks to George E. Carroll for posting photos from the Udelhofen Scholarship Committee’s Valentine’s Day candy sale. Photos may be viewed athttp://atmos.msrc.sunysb.edu/npages/vdcs04.html


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Page last modified on Friday, March 12, 2004 by George E. Carroll

E-Newsletter Vol. 6 No. 9, March 21 – 27, 2004

Information, Talks, and Publications about Atmospheres

Please join us for this week’s TAOS seminar on March 24 at 11:30 a.m. in Endeavour 120. Jun Du from the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP), Camp Springs, MD, will present a seminar entitled, “Two Physics Ensemble Experiments and Probabilistic Forecasts with NCEP Short-Range Ensemble Forecasting (SREF) System.”

This week’s Oceans and Atmospheres Colloquium speaker, Stuart Wakeham, from the Skidaway Laboratory, will present a seminar entitled, “From Plankton to Sediments – What Happens to Organic Matter in the Oceanic Water Column?” on March 26 at 12:30 p.m. in Endeavour 120.

The Friday Weather Discussion Group will meet on March 26 at 3:30 p.m. in Endeavour 139. Topic to be announced.

Faculty News

Professor Minghua Zhang will be in Albuquerque, New Mexico, from March 21 through March 25 to attend the ARM Science Team meeting.

Web updates are urgently needed for faculty profiles. Please e-mail updates to George E. Carroll for posting.

Sarah Horrigan, a former MSRC faculty member working at the Office of Management and Budget in Washington, DC, is now working in Baghdad on a national budget for Iraq. If anyone would like to read periodic newsletters from Sarah regarding her experiences, please contact Cindy Lee.

Student News

University Commencement main ceremony attendance forms will be available online after April 5 athttp://naples.cc.sunysb.edu/Pres/conforms.nsf/gradattend. Forms must be submitted in order to receive tickets to Commencement.

Volunteers are needed for the Udelhofen Scholarship Fund’s bake sale on March 30. Please see the sign-up sheet near the mailroom for additional information. There will be raffle prizes awarded at the end of the day.


Special thanks to George E. Carroll for posting photos of the 2004 Bay Scallop Bowl. Photos may be viewed at http://www.msrc.sunysb.edu/news/bsb04n.html

Congratulations to Anca and Cristian Nemuc on the birth of their daughter, Andrea Cristina. Andrea arrived on March 15 at 1:09 p.m., weighing in at 8 pounds, 7 ounces.

The soda machine in Discovery Hall has been moved to the student lounge, Discovery 109.


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Page last modified on Friday, March 19, 2004 by George E. Carroll

E-Newsletter Vol. 6 No. 10, March 28 – April 3, 2004

Information, Talks, and Publications about Atmospheres

Please join us for this week’s TAOS seminar on March 31 at 11:30 a.m. in Endeavour 120. Hua-lu Pan from the Environmental Modeling Center, National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP), Camp Springs, MD, will present a seminar entitled, “Seasonal and Intraseasonal Prediction Efforts at NCEP: Toward a Seamless Suite of Forecast Products.”

This week’s Oceans and Atmospheres Colloquium speaker, Peter Raymond, from Yale University, will present a seminar entitled, “Terrestrial Atmospheric CO2 Sequestration and Rivers: The Role of Watershed Export of Dissolved Organic and Inorganic Carbon on Regional and Global Carbon Budgets” on April 2 at 12:30 p.m. in Endeavour 120.

The Friday Weather Discussion Group will meet on April 2 at 3:30 p.m. in Endeavour 139. Topic to be announced.

Faculty News

On March 25, Professor Duane Waliser presented a talk to the State Legislative Staff on the ferry project via Stony Brook University’s “Hot Topics” mechanism of showcasing Stony Brook’s activities to the legislature. It should be noted that the comical, overstated title of his talk, “Why our fish are dying: the alarming reduction of oxygen in the Long Island Sound,” was neither chosen nor approved by him!

Data from the ferry is now successfully being transferred to the National Data Buoy Center and will soon be in a position to be forwarded to the National Weather Service and entities such as the Weather Channel. Real-time observations are available at http://www.stonybrook.edu/soundscience.

Professor Bob Cess recently returned from the DOE ARM Science Team meeting in Albuquerque, NM, and will be attending the NASA CERES Science Team meeting in Boulder, CO this week.

Congratulations to Professor Emeritus Jane Fox, recipient of the 2003 Editors’ Citation for Excellence in Refereeing in JGR-Planets.

As of today, only two updated faculty profiles have been submitted. Please send your updated profiles to George E. Carroll as soon as possible.

Student News

Abstracts of presentations for the ITPA student symposium are due on March 31. Further information regarding abstract submission and other updates pertaining to the symposium are available athttp://terra.msrc.sunysb.edu/itpasymp.

Please be aware that there is a cap of $650 on travel expenses for external defense committee members. Students should inform their external committee members of this policy before travel arrangements are made.


Don’t forget the MSRC Bake Sale on Tuesday, March 30 beginning at 10:00 a.m. in the Endeavour Hall lobby. Proceeds will benefit the Petra M. Udelhofen Memorial Scholarship Fund. Six raffle prizes will be awarded at the end of the day.

Several containers and plates were left in Endeavour 120 from the recruitment weekend. These items are now in the Endeavour Hall kitchen and can be picked up anytime between 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.


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Page last modified on Friday, March 26, 2004 by George E. Carroll

E-Newsletter Vol. 6 No. 11, April 4 – 10, 2004

Information, Talks, and Publications about Atmospheres

Due to Spring break, will be no Oceans and Atmospheres Colloquium or Friday weather discussion this week.

There will be a special TAOS seminar on Friday, April 9 at 10:00 a.m. in Endeavour 120.   Professor Xuehong Zhang from the Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, will present a seminar entitled, “Indonesian Throughflow Simulated by a Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere General Circulation Model.”Faculty News

Professor Xuehong Zhang from the Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, will be at MSRC for two months working with Professor Minghua Zhang on numerical modeling of global climate change.   His office is located in Endeavour Hall 199. Please stop by to say hello and welcome him to the Center.

ITPA faculty profiles updates are urgently needed.   Please send your updates to George E. Carroll as soon as possible.

As a reminder, please inform Gina Gartin if you will be out of town and/or write your name on the ITPA board in Endeavour 129. This is particularly helpful in the event that someone is trying to contact you.

Student News

The deadline for submission of powerpoint files in connection with the ITPA student symposium is April 14.   Please see http://terra.msrc.sunysb.edu/itpasymp/ for additional information.

The Petra M. Udelhofen Memorial Scholarship Fund-raising Committee wishes to thank everyone for supporting the March 30 bake sale. Thanks to your generosity, we were able to add $281 to the scholarship fund.   Special thanks to George E. Carroll for taking photos of the event which can be viewed at http://atmos.msrc.sunysb.edu/npages/bs04.html, along with a list of raffle prize winners.


In collaboration with NOAA’s Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL), the Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences Program at Princeton University solicits applications to its Postdoctoral and Visiting Research Scientist program.   More information can be obtained athttp://www.aos.princeton.edu and on the ITPA bulletin board.


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Page last modified on Friday, April 2, 2004 by George E. Carroll

E-Newsletter Vol. 6 No. 12, April 11 – 17, 2004

Information, Talks, and Publications about Atmospheres

Welcome back from Spring break!

Please join us for this week’s TAOS seminar on April 14 at 11:30 a.m. in Endeavour 120.  Alex B. Guenther from the Atmospheric Chemistry Division of NCAR in Boulder, CO, will present a seminar entitled, “Organic Emissions from Boreal, Temperate and Tropical Vegetation and their Role in Climate and Air Quality.”

The Oceans and Atmospheres Colloquium speaker for this week is Manuel Lerdau from Stony Brook’s Department of Ecology and Evolution.  Please join us for his seminar entitled, “Trees and the Troposphere:  Emission by Plants of Isoprene to the Atmosphere,” on April 16 at 12:30 p.m. in Endeavour 120.

Faculty News

Bob Cess is the only ITPA faculty member who has updated his web profile.  We need the updates ASAP please !

Student News

We are in the process of revising the ITPA student symposium schedule which appears on the website terra.msrc.sunysb.edu/itpasymp in order to accommodate the 2:30 p.m. seminar by Dr. Robert Gagosian, Director of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.  Dr. Gagosian’s seminar, “Can Global Warming Trigger a Big Chill ?” will take place in lecture hall 2 of the Wang Center.


Volunteers are needed to assist at the May 21 commencement ceremony at the LaValle Stadium.  For more information, please contact Peg Abbatiello in Conferences and Special Events at 2-6320.

There will be an Environmental Awareness Fair in celebration of Earth Day on April 22 from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the Wang Center.  All events are free and open to the public.  Please visitwww.stonybrook.edu/earthstock for additional information.

For your information, the Holiday Inn Express offers all guests free shuttle service to and from the University, Islip Airport, the Pt. Jefferson ferry, and the LIRR.  The University rate is $119.00 per night, which includes use of the pool and fitness center.  For more information or to make a reservation, please call (631) 471-8000.


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Page last modified on Friday, April 9, 2004 by George E. Carroll

E-Newsletter Vol. 6 No. 13, April 18 – 24, 2004

Information, Talks, and Publications about Atmospheres

This week’s TAOS seminar will take place on FRIDAY, at 10:00 a.m. in Endeavour Hall 120. Professor Dennis Hartmann from the Department of Atmospheric Sciences, University of Washington, Seattle, will present a talk entitled, “Tropical Cloud-Climate Feedback Processes and the Fixed Anvil Temperature Hypothesis.” This is a special seminar in honor of Distinguished Professor Emeritus Robert D. Cess. Please make every effort to attend.

The Oceans and Atmospheres Colloquium speaker, Jeff Buckel, from North Carolina University, will present a seminar on April 23 entitled, “Predator-Prey Interactions between Striped Bass and Alosine Prey in Western Albermarle Sound, North Carolina. His seminar is scheduled for 12:30 p.m. in Endeavour 120.

The Friday Weather Discussion Group will meet on April 23, 2004 at 3:30 p.m. in Endeavour 139.

Faculty News

Professor Edmund Chang has been awarded a grant by the National Science Foundation to study the structure and evolution of Southern Hemisphere synoptic variability using a new observational database. The grant total is $261,106.00 over a duration of three years. Congratulations, Edmund!

Student News

The 1st Annual Robert L. de Zafra Student Symposium on April 19 was a hugh success! Prize winners, based on title, abstract and Powerpoint file submissions were as follows: 1st prize: Sandy Lucas, 2nd prize: Jun Zheng, 3rd prize: Joe Olson. Information regarding the symposium may be found at http://terra.msrc.sunysb.edu/itpasymp. Photos from this event will be posted by the end of the week.

The deadline for submissions to the Graduate Students Achievements publication is April 23. Please contact Nancy Glover in the Education Office for additional information.


The 17th Annual Spring Pride Patrol will take place on Tuesday, April 20th. “Green Team” volunteers should meet at 10:00 a.m. outside of Endeavour Hall for assignments.

The Faculty Committee on Honorary Degrees is seeking nominations for 2005. The deadline for nominations is April 26. Further information may be obtained by contacting the Committee’s secretary, Ms. Ignacia Ruiz, at 2-7035.


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Page last modified on Friday, April 16, 2004 by George E. Carroll

E-Newsletter Vol. 6 No. 14, April 25 – May 1, 2004

Information, Talks, and Publications about Atmospheres

Please join us for this week’s TAOS seminar on Wednesday, April 28 at 11:30 a.m. in Endeavour 120. Dr. Dick Ou from the Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University will present a seminar entitled, “What Determines the Heat Transport of a Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere?” If you would like to schedule a meeting with Dr. Ou, please contact Gina at 2-8009.

This week’s Ocean and Atmospheres Colloquium speaker is Dr. Anitra Ingalls from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Her seminar, “Applications of Preparative LC-MS in Compound Specific Radiocarbon Analyses” will take place on Friday, April 30 at 12:30 p.m. in Endeavour 120.

The Friday Weather Discussion Group will meet on April 30 at 3:30 p.m. in Endeavour 139.

Faculty News

The “Managing Your Award” workshop on Tuesday, April 27 will be held in Endeavour 120 from 2:00 to 3:30 p.m. If you would like to register for this workshop, please contact Linda Goodman in the Office of Sponsored Programs at 2-9961.

Last week, Professors Minghua Zhang and Bob Cess attended the IPCC/CFMID meeting on climate sensitivity at Exeter in UK.

Student News

Dr. Yongjiu Dai will be visiting ITPA on Monday and Tuesday. He will give a tutorial introduction of “The Common Land Model” during OCN 694 on Monday. (OCN 694 will meet in Endeavour 120from 12:40 to 1:35 p.m.) A schedule of other informal talks during his visit will be distributed at that time.


Please mark your calendars for the MSRC Convocation breakfast on Friday, May 21 at 8:30 a.m. in Endeavour 120. All are welcome to attend.

Dean Conover has invited all of MSRC to a reception for MSRC alumni at Stony Brook’s Manhattan Campus (Park Ave and 28th St: see http://www.stonybrook.edu/sb/nyc/index.shtml). The date is Friday, April 30th from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. If you are interested in attending, please contact Katerina in the Main Office at 2-8781.


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Page last modified on Friday, April 23, 2004 by George E. Carroll

E-Newsletter Vol. 6 No. 15, May 2 – 8, 2004

Information, Talks, and Publications about Atmospheres

Please join us for the last TAOS seminar of the Spring semester. Dr. Fuzhong Wang from the NOAA’s National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service (NESDIS) will present a seminar entitled, “Satellite Microwave Products Developed at NOAA/NESDIS” on May 5 at 11:30 a.m. in Endeavour Hall 120.

The last Oceans and Atmospheres seminar for the Spring semester will take place on May 7 at 12:30 p.m. in Endeavour Hall 120. Josh Hamilton from Dartmouth College will present a seminar entitled, “Arsenic and Old Mines – or – Don’t Take it for Granite.”

All are welcome to attend a seminar at Brookhaven National Laboratory on May 3 at 10:00 a.m. in the conference room of Building 815E. Zhanqing Li from the Department of Meteorology, University of Maryland, will present a seminar entitled, “A Global Climatology of 3-D Cloud Structure and the Anti-Twomey Effect of Aerosol Influence on Clouds.” If you would like to attend this seminar, please notify Barbara Roland at BNL at 344-3275 in order to obtain gate access. A picture ID is required at the gate.

The Friday Weather Discussion Group will meet on May 7 at 3:30 p.m. in Endeavour Hall 129.

Faculty News

Sexual harassment training sessions for faculty will take place at MSRC on May 4 in Challenger 173 and May 25 in Endeavour 120 at 10:00 a.m.. Dean Conover would like everyone to attend one of these sessions. Please RSVP to Katerina in the Main Office at 2-8781.

Student News

Please mark your calendars for the MSRC Convocation breakfast on Friday, May 21 at 8:30 a.m. in Endeavour 120. All are welcome to attend.


Volunteers are needed to assist with the main Commencement ceremony which will be held at the new Kenneth J. LaValle Stadium on Friday, May 17, rain or shine. If you can spare some time to volunteer for this worthwhile activity, please contact Arlene Skala at 2-6320. Volunteers will be invited to a “thank you” lunch at a later date.

Mark your calendars for this year’s VAX to FLAX race on Saturday, May 8 beginning at 10:00 a.m. The race begins in the Endeavour Hall parking lot and ends at Flax Pond with a barbecue to follow. Participants and volunteers are needed. For further information, please contact Juliet Kinney atkinney@msrc.sunysb.edu.

The Western Connecticut State University in Danbury has an immediate adjunct opening for anyone interested in teaching courses in their undergraduate meteorological program. This may very likely lead to a full-time opening in September. For further information, please contact Professor Rob Eisensen at (203) 837-8989.

The Division of Atmospheric Sciences of the Desert Research Institute (DRI) is seeking a meteorologist or hydrometeorologist at their Reno campus for a new appointment as an Assistant or Associate Research Professor. DRI is part of the University and Community College System of Nevada. Further information can be found at www.dri.edu and www.das.dri.edu or by calling Melanie Wetzel at 775-674-7024. This position announcement is also posted on the ITPA bulletin board.


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Page last modified on Monday, May 3, 2004 by George E. Carroll

E-Newsletter Vol. 6 No. 16, May 9 – 15, 2004

Information, Talks, and Publications about Atmospheres

This is the final ITPA e-newsletter for the Spring 2004 semester. Please check our website in August for a list of TAOS seminars for the Fall 2004 semester. Enjoy the summer!

Faculty News

As a reminder, there will be a faculty meeting on May 14 from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. in Endeavour 120.

Professor Marvin Geller was invited by the EPA to speak on May 12 at the Government/Industry meeting in Washington DC. The title of his talk is “Science: Recent Additions to the Climate Picture.” Leading technical authorities from government, industry and academia will address pressing issues in Energy Conservation, the Environment, and Safety. For more information, please seehttp://www.sae.org/events/gim/brochure.pdf

Professor Malcolm Bowman has been named Distinguished Service Professor by the SUNY Board of Trustees. Malcolm was recognized for using his “academic expertise and interests to promote enlightened public policy solutions to natural resource problems.” Congratulations, Malcolm!

Student News

Final exams will be held from May 13 through 19. Please join us for the MSRC convocation ceremony and breakfast on Friday, May 21 at 8:30 a.m. in Endeavour Hall 120.

The Petra M. Udelhofen Memorial Scholarship Award Committee has selected Daniel Iannotti as the 2004 scholarship recipient. Daniel will be presented with a certificate and a $500 check at the MSRC commencement ceremony.


Volunteers are needed to assist with the main Commencement ceremony which will be held at the new Kenneth J. LaValle Stadium on Friday, May 17, rain or shine. If you can spare some time to volunteer for this worthwhile activity, please contact Arlene Skala at 2-6320. Volunteers will be invited to a “thank you” lunch at a later date.


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Page last modified on Saturday, May 8, 2004 by George E. Carroll