Many thanks to Semester by the Sea Faculty Director Kurt Bretsch for organizing the Warner Island Beach Cleanup, as part of Stony Brook University’s contribution to the Town of Southampton’s Great East End Clean Up event. This year’s group was a smaller yet adventurous and effective bunch. Dr. Bretsch indicated that “several bags of trash (mostly plastic & the despised styrofoam) were removed, as well as a small turtle. We had a few rain sprinkles, but all participants emerged without being nailed by bird bombs!”

This year’s participants included Kurt Bretsch, Paul Shepson, Jody Shepson, Sabrina Simone, and Finn Morrissey.

Photos available on Google Photos were taken by Kurt Bretsch and Finn Morrissy.

Also highlighted on “Stony Brook Southampton Volunteers Clean Up Warner Island” on Stony Brook University News, May 6, 2019.