Sissmann, O., Price, R., Elvert, M., Heuer, V. B., Prieto, X., Monnin, C., … & Kohler, E. (2019). Abiogenic formation of H2, light hydrocarbons and other short-chain organic compounds within the serpentinite mud volcanoes of the Marianna Trench. In E3S Web of Conferences (Vol. 98, p. 02011). EDP Sciences.

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Sissmann, O., Price, R., Elvert, M., Heuer, V. B., Prieto, X., Monnin, C., … & Kohler, E. (2019). Abiogenic formation of H2, light hydrocarbons and other short-chain organic compounds within the serpentinite mud volcanoes of the Marianna Trench. In E3S Web of Conferences (Vol. 98, p. 02011). EDP Sciences.

Abiogenic formation of H2, light hydrocarbons and other short-chain organic compounds within the serpentinite mud volcanoes of the Marianna Trench


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June 7, 2019