McKeown, K. E., French, M. M., Tuftedal, K. S., Kingfield, D. M., Bluestein, H. B., Reif, D. W., & Wienhoff, Z. B. (2020). Rapid-Scan and Polarimetric Radar Observations of the Dissipation of a Violent Tornado on 9 May 2016 Near Sulphur, Oklahoma. Monthly Weather Review, 1-51.

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McKeown, K. E., French, M. M., Tuftedal, K. S., Kingfield, D. M., Bluestein, H. B., Reif, D. W., & Wienhoff, Z. B. (2020). Rapid-Scan and Polarimetric Radar Observations of the Dissipation of a Violent Tornado on 9 May 2016 Near Sulphur, OklahomaMonthly Weather Review, 1-51.


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September 9, 2020