Jiwen Fan, Yi-Chin Liu, Kuan-Man Xu, Kirk North, Scott Collis, Xiquan Dong, Guang J. Zhang, Qian Chen, Kollias Pavlos, and Steven J. Ghan, (2015), Improving Representation of Convective Transport for Scale-Aware Parameterization – Part I: Convection and Cloud Properties Simulated with Spectral-Bin and Bulk Microphysics. Accepted, Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres

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Jiwen Fan, Yi-Chin Liu, Kuan-Man Xu, Kirk North, Scott Collis, Xiquan Dong, Guang J. Zhang, Qian Chen, Kollias Pavlos, and Steven J. Ghan, (2015), Improving Representation of Convective Transport for Scale-Aware Parameterization – Part I: Convection and Cloud Properties Simulated with Spectral-Bin and Bulk Microphysics. Accepted, Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres


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February 24, 2015