itn061020 (2)Last week, State Senator Caesar Trunzo honored MSRC Assistant Dean Hector Jimenez at the Hispanic Heritage Awards Ceremony. In what has become an annual tradition, Senator Trunzo recognized distinguished members of the Hispanic American community in his district for their excellence in service and community contributions. Jimenez was honored specifically for his achievements in public administration.

Jimenez has served as MSRC’s Assistant Dean since 2003 and is an extremely active member of Stony Brook’s campus community. He is a member of both the University’s Faculty Senate and the President’s Council on Diversity and Affirmative Action, Chair of MSRC’s Equal Employment Opportunity Committee, former Captain of the University’s United Way Campaign, Board Member of the Human Resources Services Quality Control, and a University Diversity Fellow.

Jimenez’s wife, father, and several members of the MSRC/University community joined him at the awards ceremony. In his acceptance speech, he thanked several people who were instrumental in getting him involved: first, his father, who taught hiln at an early age what it means to help others – especially in the Latino and Hispanic community; second, his wife, for continuous support in all that he does; and finally, Lynda Perdomo-Ayala, the Pharmacology Department Administrator at the University’s Health Sciences Center, who first got him involved in University issues. When asked what his motivation is for all of his outreach efforts, Jimenez responded, “Simply because I care.”

MSRC Associate Dean Larry Swanson attended the awards ceremony. Swanson added, “Hector has brought a refreshing, quiet competence to MSRC that is beneficial to all. The accomplishments for which he was honored extend beyond his work with diversity issues to all of us at MSRC and the University community.”