itn061106 (2)As MSRC continues to grow – new faculty, new students, the expansion to the Southampton campus – it is not surprising that the demand on its research vessels also continues to grow. To manage the increasing workload, MSRC recently hired a new fleet manager, David Bowman, to schedule research and educational cruises, address staffing needs, and serve as a relief captain for MSRC’s flagship vessel, the R/V Seawolf.

Bowman is a native of Illinois but has been on the east coast for well over a decade. He has a degree in marine biology from Roger Williams University in Bristol, Rhode Island, and got his U.S. Coast Guard Captain’s License shortly after graduating in 1991. In the ensuing years, he has captained and managed vessels ranging from New England to the Caribbean, as well as the Great Lakes and Southern florida. He is excited about the opportunities presented by his new position at MSRC and the fact that it draws on his experiences both as a captain, and from studying marine biology. “What makes it really satisfying,” Bowman added. “is that it combines vessel operations with my interests in marine science research and education.”

Bowman relocated to Long Island in September and is quickly settling in to his new position. Bowman noted. “My first impression of MSRC is that everyone is very welcoming and easy to work with.” Having moved from Miami, he also added that he was looking forward to getting back to the seasons here in the northeast.

“All of us at MSRC look forward to working with Dave,” said MSRC Associate Dean Larry Swanson. “His maritime experience and organizational skills will be a real asset for managing the Center’s vessel resources. Working with the people at Stony Brook-Southampton, he will also be able to help us to most effectively integrate their fleet into the overall marine sciences program.”